I studied statistics at Boston U in my youth and from a purely statistical point of view this article clearly shows that the basic statistical model has an end with survivors. He does not publish his algorithms or formula models.
There aren't a lot of actual stats in the article
Survivors? Of course there will be survivors. 80% of symptomatic cases recover without going to hospital. There are estimates (like in the Italian village of Vo where they tested everybody) that there may as high as 50% of all cases were asymptomatic. Both of those groups will develop immunity but we are not sure for how long. So no, this disease will not wipe out the human race and for a huge majority of people it will have very mild or no health implications.
The problem with covid19 is that first wave of exponential growth spreading through the world population that is not immune leading to health systems around the world getting overrun. The exponential growth causes a sudden influx of cases all at once and large numbers of deaths in the 20% that need to go to hospital. Most would normally survive if the health system were not overwhelmed all at once. That is the situation all of us are trying to avoid.
We should continue to follow the presidents guidelines, we are 1 week into them. IMO he will soon say - we don't want the cure to be worse than the disease
This means 1) new guide lines of re-entry into the workforce 2) Protection of those still at risk - elderly and 3) internment of the victims.
yes # 3 is somewhat crass but it is reality. in addition viral treatment drugs are now available, these have been shown to deeply impact the rate of mortality and anecdotally are claimed to shorten the contagion window.
15 days is a very short period of time for the growth portion of the curve. Hubei province has been in lockdown for almost 2 months and they now have no local cases and are opening things up again. They were likely having undetected cases for about a month before their shutdown. Italy's lockdowns have only been in effect for 3 weeks and their curves are starting to see some slight levellling out. I expect the peak to go on for about another month for them before their lockdowns are lifted.
The Italian infection model was possibly impacted by soccer game attendance.
The simliarity of Italy and Wuhan were their lack of preparedness and having the virus overwhelm their health systems. The rest of the world has the benefit of learning from their experience and are implementing massive social measures to try to avoid that situation repeating itself in their countries. Once that first wave passes, the rate of infection will be much lower and easier to manage. The goal is to keep that first wave from being too devastating.
If hydroxychloroquine is an effective therapy, that will go a long way towards reducing the size and duration of the peak for all countries. Here's hoping.