The Galatian
Active Member
I assure you that I have never lied to you or about you, Helen. If you feel I've misrepesented you, I'd be pleased to see how.Aside from Galatians flat out lies about what I have said or implied (which is not uncommon for him),
Since no one seems to be able to draw a line between them, it's hard to see how you could doubt that they are very closely related.I leave the rest to the other readers to see what is going on. To my mind, calling birds and dinosaurs the same sort of thing is an act of desperation.
My experience is that stupid people are more prone to make bad choices. Criminals, for example, tend to be dumber than the rest of us.On another forum, I was asked why, if people have free choice, they choose wrong so often. The point the writer was making was that God must be stupid or incompetant or not there at all. My response included the thought that the more 'educated' and 'intelligent' the person, the more often the wrong choices seem to be made.
I think that intellectual pride is not uncommon among the incompetent as well. A recent study showed that in fact, the less competent a person is, the more likely he is to not realize it.I presume that is because common sense gets thrown out with one's pride in one's intelligence and education a good percentage of the time.
I don't think we got far enough to confuse anyone. What we've discussed so far is certainly in reach of any normal person.If there are any readers out there following any of this who don't feel they are intelligent enough to comment, don't worry about it.
It definitely helps to know the evidence, though. I know you're pretty upset with me, Helen, but a less knowledgeable person would have charged right in and started defining birds and dinosaurs. You know how little difference there is between them, and you were reluctant to do it. And I don't blame you.Common sense is enough to see what is going on.
Anyone can understand it. A good place to start would be to go check out some of the information on early birds/advanced dinosaurs.You can trust that. Don't let all the word play and other garbage intimidate you into thinking you don't have what it takes to know the truth or to recognize the truth when you see it.
God bless you, Helen. I very much wish we could discuss things without anyone being upset. We know we disagree, but I wish we could avoid being unpleasant about it.UTE, Galatian, I'm done with this thread. You two have totally betrayed the very brains God gave you.