I have done nothing but focus on the facts. Racial bias was articulated in post #42. The stories and explanations used to justify the racial bias make no sense in real world application.
A LEO doesn’t ignore probable cause (smell of marijuana) and then base the decision to search vehicles on whether the driver is polite or rude. That doesn’t make sense.
peace to you
Again I ask, as did someone else, just to consider the validity of your opinion, WHAT IS YOUR LAW ENFORCEMENT EXPERIENCE??
To just say that you don't want to talk about your personal life doesn't cut it; this is NOT about your "personal life", just whether you are qualified to make judgments about law enforcement.
Opinions are fine, but that does not translate into "INFORMED" opinions.
I know back during my working years I formed many wrong opinions due to not knowing all the facts; which I changed with new info.
Now if you are speaking from LEO experience, then I can value your opinion - I may not agree, but then more info may result in a change of mind.
I have NO LEO experience, but the explanations of posters, to me anyway, make sense, and override the simple statements of the initial post.
I know neither of us are going to change the other's mind, but I just want to clarify that I'm not condemning you, just disagreeing!!
I have noticed many of your other posts, I have agreed with, so this phase of conversation, AFAIC, is closed!!
Have a great day forward!!