I've tried and tried to keep my mouth shut but I no longer can. I'm sure I shall be vilified and am probably going to get banned from the board because I will not allow this to go on without saying something and I know that at least one of these offensive posters is a moderator on this board.
I have read numerous threads where posters do not even bother to try and hide their bigotry. I do believe that this board is filled with so many people who dislike my ancestors and yet proclaim they are a Christian. I will continue to read some of the posts on this board, because there are many who aren't so hate-filled, but I don't I'll stay at this board long. What's the point? I grew up in the south and never saw the amount of racism there that I have on this board. And I'm
not exaggerating.
So that you can see where I'm coming from, my ancestry is African, Cherokee, and German. So I pretty much get hit from any side. And I don't feel that in this day and age, Black History Month is needed. My black culture is pretty much killing itself slowly and nobody really cares about us anyway so why bother? I say we should stop fighting the establishment and teach ourselves. But no one listens to me.
LadyEagele wrote
To think, if it wasn't for GW Carver, kids wouldn't know the utter joy of PB&J sandwiches. (well, all except those who have allergies)
And boiled peanuts - what Southerner could live without those?
And who hasn't sung a Negro Spiritual at one time or another?
And who hasn't heard Ethel Waters sing "His Eye is on the Sparrow?"
Black History Month wasn't needed. Black History Month is liberal hype. We don't have an Irish Month (Shall that be March). We don't have an Italian Month. No English Month. No American Indian Month.
Well, well. I suppose I must take this point-by-point.
1. George Washington Carver - From the use of such products as sweet potatos, pecans, soybeans, cotton, cowpeas, and wild plums, and peanuts, he developed:
Adhesives, Axle Grease, Bleach, Dyes, Ink, Insulating Board, Linoleum, Rubbing Oils, Salve, Soil Conditioner, Shampoo, Shoe Polish, Shaving Cream, Synthetic Marble, Synthetic Rubber, Talcum Powder, Wood Stains, Wood Filler.
This is a VERY condensed list and I'm sure it is of no importance to you (although I'm pretty sure if you read the entire list, you'd find something you use everyday). If your paper reported that he gave us PB&J and boiled peanuts, I hope you received the "F" you deserved. And, I'm a Southerner currently (and unfortunately) transplanted and I
never liked boiled peanuts.
2. Negro spirituals - not sure what this had to do what anything but here goes. During the days when the wonderful Europeans kept my ancestors as slaves, Negro spirituals were a way to keep their spirits up. Having someone rip you away from your family, culture and friends, beat you repeatedly, and treat you worse than they would treat their dogs has a way of wearing on a person. (imagine that) I'm not sure why anyone not of African ancestry would be taught about the meanings behind them, but since you brought it up, I suppose you were. However, when wondering how so many people could go through so much without rebelling (on a large scale) this helps to clarify. For it was their way of celebrating the life of Jesus and a way of expressing forgiveness, hope, faith, love, endurance, and the offer of eternal life.
3. Ethel Waters - now hmmm. Maybe you are correct and that song is the ONLY thing good about her. Or maybe I'm correct in stating that she made a lot of black people (or negro, colored, whatever you choose to call us) realize that we can accomplishment something good even if our beginnings were painful. For those who don't know, her mother was raped at age 12 by a white man (or Caucasian, European, whatever you choose to call him) named John Waters. She began working at age 13 and managed to overcome poverty. Now this is what I was taught about Ethel Waters. Not from school though. Schools in Montgomery, Alabama still listed me as "non-white" then so I didn't expect much. But it was a way to teach us that we can overcome any obstacle if we try hard enough.
4. Black History Month wasn't needed - now when, exactly, did you mean and who didn't need it? In 1926, when there were no blacks mentioned in the history books (except for slaves), Carter G. Woodson started the Negro History Week. In 1976, it was expanded to the Black History month. In the 1980s, my school characterized us as "whites and non-whites" and MY history class still didn't bother to include us in the history books. It isn't needed now because what's the point. No one takes the time to find out how it began or why it's even in February. It gets ridiculed (PB&J) to the where I'm embarrassed to even try to promote my history. Of course, there are plenty of avenues TODAY that we can use to learn about black history, but no one even bothers with it.
12 months out of year in 1926, focused pretty much on all of the accomplishments that whites made. 12 months out of year TODAY focus on the accomplishments that whites made. When I was in school (and just to let you know, I'm a lot younger than a lot of the people here) I was NEVER taught that blacks did anything significant, not even during Black History Month. I wouldn't have known anything had it not been for that one month a year when bookstores decided we were worth noting for that one month. Your mothers and fathers can tell you repeatedly how much your ancestors did, but if your own teacher refuses to acknowledge it, you tend to become a tad confused.
5. "We don't have an Irish Month" - actually, you're right and wrong. While not official, I get bombarded by Irish history throughout the month of March. But I don't mind because I like learning about other cultures.
"We don't have an Italian Month. No English Month. " Actually, 12 months out of the year, we are taught your Italian and English histories. But it is so incredibly benign that had I not had a time where people focused on "attempting" to teach us black history, I would have thought the sun rose and set with Christopher Columbus, George Washington, and Thomas Jefferson (just to name a few). I actually believed the lie that there weren't that many Indians killed by the Europeans initially, they died because their weak immune systems couldn't handled the filthy diseases brought over from Europe. Isn't that how it happened? Isn't it just a myth, made up by people who promote Black History month, that the wonderful Christopher Columbus helped slaughter the Taino Indians that helped save his life?
"No American Indian Month. " But, to follow your logic, what did my Native American ancestors offer you but corn and a peace pipe (sorry, no PB&J)? Native Americans have tried so hard to be heard in this country, but Christopher Columbus decided their lives were worth squat (your wonderful Italian) that they deserve no day. And, to give them one would be bad because wouldn't that be "liberal hype"?
Dr. Bob Griffin wrote
Reminds me of white plantation owners throwing scraps off the porch and the little Black kiddies scrambling in the dirt for it. The politicians throw this out and "pant, pant, pant" they scramble . .
Black History month is racism . . and liberal (white and black) are too dumb to notice!
Plus much of it is false or "glorified". Watched the A&E bio of Harriet Tubbman as she guided runaways to the underground railroad.
Wanna guess how many, total, in all the years before the war? 30.
My, my.
You have the audacity to call racism? Have you gone back read over your posts (all throughout this board)? Including that one. Just for the record, I don't go "pant, pant" nor do I scramble for any scraps the politicians give me. There are a number of Blacks who go out of their way learn of their history 12 months out of the year.
FIRST - I know that 30 slaves means nothing to you, so I'll correct your "mistake". Try hundreds. Harriet Tubman did NOT help only 30 people and how dare you try and get away with a statement like this? She helped at least 300 people escape slavery. But of course, I'm sure you'll refute this because "my goodness" I don't think we're just that accomplished to help so many and your history cannot allow that a slave outsmarted those wonderful men of European history.
As for your other statement, I do not wish to repeat myself so I'll only say this. There was a time when Black History month was needed because no one else would give blacks the time of day. It was hard to go into a bookstore during any other month of the year and read about Harriet Tubman, George Washington Carver, Martin Luther King Jr (oh wait, I'd better be careful mentioning that name in your presence), and many other Black people who at least tried to accomplish something.
Oh, and by the way:
quote by Dr. Griffin
Hispanic/Latino Americans have now passed Blacks as the largest minority group. Assume August would be a good month, as March/April are holiday filled already with Easter et al. May is Mothers Day and Memorial Day; June for Dads and July is Patriotic.
February was chosen because a number of accomplishments took place during that month. Not because the other months were taken. And Hispanics know their heritage because they were stolen from their land and separated from their people. They were not taught (as a people) that being a Hispanic was bad and they were less than human because of their skin or ancestry. They know the accomplishments of their people. I will say one thing for them, they couldn't care less about being on such great terms with Whites, they want to keep their culture to themselves. Maybe if Blacks were more like Hispanics, so many wouldn't "pant and scramble" for your scraps.
And for those who want to be sarcastic later, no, I don't believe in Kwanzaa (don't even know what it is), no I don't speak or care for ebonics (not sure what that is anyway), and I don't like drums and dancing in my church. I do believe that Jesus wants me to love you all, and I will pray diligently that my anger subsides and I can once again feel free to read this board without worries of people posting sites from racist websites (sorry, different thread), claiming that my culture ruined their music (sorry, also different thread), saying that my culture deifies MLK because he tried to make us equal in the eyes of the law (sorry, ...) that's just hypocritical because your Europeans ancestors have official holidays, and that we are like sad little slave children panting and scrambling from the scraps you throw (definitely this thread).
And I apologize for the length of this thread.