Has he made it worse?
Arguably so. Ever since he has been in office, one thing has been a constant under his lack of leadership. He divides.
He has tried to keep us divided economically, constantly pitting the rich against the poor. Resentment of the "rich" by the "poor" existed before him. By attempting to use that resentment to further his political agenda, he made it worse.
Racially, he made a simmering resentment even worse. He and his party have blamed "racism" for his every failure. They have sought to use the charge of racism to curb any disagreement with his policies.
On other occasions, when the president waded in on racial situations, he did so quickly without all the facts and made a fool of himself and his administration.
His justice department, led by another black man, has refused to enforce civil rights laws against black people. That kind of unequal law enforcement has made some militant blacks believe they are immune from prosecution. Some of those rabble rousers may be at work in Ferguson, Missouri. If they are not there personally, the spirit of the justice departments refusal to enforce the law certainly is.
Sadly, our first black president has failed us in so many ways. Racially, most of all. It may take decades to undo the damage he has done to the fabric of our society.
Arguably so. Ever since he has been in office, one thing has been a constant under his lack of leadership. He divides.
He has tried to keep us divided economically, constantly pitting the rich against the poor. Resentment of the "rich" by the "poor" existed before him. By attempting to use that resentment to further his political agenda, he made it worse.
Racially, he made a simmering resentment even worse. He and his party have blamed "racism" for his every failure. They have sought to use the charge of racism to curb any disagreement with his policies.
On other occasions, when the president waded in on racial situations, he did so quickly without all the facts and made a fool of himself and his administration.
His justice department, led by another black man, has refused to enforce civil rights laws against black people. That kind of unequal law enforcement has made some militant blacks believe they are immune from prosecution. Some of those rabble rousers may be at work in Ferguson, Missouri. If they are not there personally, the spirit of the justice departments refusal to enforce the law certainly is.
Sadly, our first black president has failed us in so many ways. Racially, most of all. It may take decades to undo the damage he has done to the fabric of our society.