Earth wind and fire posted
Well, its not just me, we have many on this thread that have the same concern, but since you asked...
I am posting on this thread as a long time, card carrying Baptist Christian. I could have been a Nazerene. a Camblellite, Church of Christ, Assemblies of God, etc etc,,,but God, after giving me new life, drew me to a baptist church. And I have been a very content Baptist ever since
I enjoy visiting other churches, and do that from time to time, but my home is my Baptist church. And the main thing that I like as a baptist is the rock solid conviction regarding the tenacity with which turn to the scriptures for our practice, worship and guidance in our lives.
But it just grieves me to see Baptists who seem to be unable understand that OTHERS in other groups love and study the scriptures just as muc has we do, They heed the scriptures just as much as we do...but they come to differant conclusions. Not heretical conclusions...just different conclusions.
But we sometimes assume they are heretical, just because they are different.
That ought not be.
If our faith is in Christ, and their faith is in Christ, then we are brothers and sisters, and we should act like it toward each other.
And I am not preaching..I blow it sometimes. I can do better.
I hope that helps.