No, proportionately the rate of black on black on black crime is much greater than white on white crime. Pick a city. Let's say Chicago. It's graringly obvious.
Proportional to what?
What nonsense. The reason why there are proportionally more blacks in jail than whites is that blacks commit much more crime than whites.
Now THAT is some nonsense. A stereotypical lie straight from the desk of Fox News and white folks who want to push the narrative that Blacks are more violent and commit more crimes than their white counterparts. There are five times more white people in this country than there are black people. White people by far commit more crime simply because there's more white people to commit crimes.
The racial disparities arise during the policing and arresting and the convicting which all open things up to the obvious racial disparity that Blacks know exists even if a lot of white folks refuse to recognize it.
Blacks kill,rob and assault fellow blacks at an alarmingly high rate and therefore are jailed for the crimes. There is no injustice or racially motivated reason for the abnormally high black imprisoned rate. Crime is crime. When blacks kill blacks and sentenced to prison should they be released into society instead? Be rational.
You be rational. If whites were policed the same way that Blacks are policed, there would be more white folks in jail Whites kill,rob, and assault fellow whites at an alarmingly high rate, but magically don't get jailed for their crimes. And that's not because they aren't committing the crimes.
That's your opinion.
First of all, the term "unarmed" has to be dealt with. Michael Brown was unarmed in a sense. But his huge body and attempts at the police officer's gun made him armed.
Oh please. You're grasping for straws. By that silly definition anybody could be considered armed.
Magically again, I suppose, it's only the armed with their huge body black people who are getting killed in mass numbers by the police.
Blacks tend to resist arrests more often than whites.
If white neighborhoods were policed the way that black neighborhoods are, the numbers would be the other way around. So again, your narrative doesn't hold water. You can't stack the deck and then blame the folks you stacked it against for having a higher rate of resistance.
Blacks constitute around 12-13% of the population in America. In real numbers more whites are killed by cops of any color than blacks are killed by cops of any color.
In real numbers, Whites commit more crime than Blacks.
All your posts condemning whites are racist. You think of yourself as morally superior. You twist reality time and time again.
You OBVIOUSLY don't understand what racism is. You're just upset that I again don't have a problem calling out what white people do in this country. Sure Blacks do a lot of stuff. But so do white people. But when there is systemic racism and racial prejudice against Blacks built into the system on purpose ( Once again, Southern Strategy), don't think for a minute that anyone with good sense is not gonna point out the foolishness of the Fox News talking points that you've presented.
If white neighborhoods were policed in the 90s and 2000s for cocaine the same way that black neighborhoods were for crack, I guarantee there would be a whole lot more white folks locked up next to their black counterparts instead of receiving probation.
And being morally superior has nothing to do with it. The majority, and that includes you, just seem to want to demonize Black people. And that's fine if that's what you want to do. But understand that I've got better sense than to sit back and read the foolishness without pointing out that ain't no black people flown no planes from Central and South America to bring the drugs into their neighborhoods. I've got enough sense to call out the injustices in the policing and adjudicating systems.
And if you think that is racist, big deal.
This whole white superiority complex that pervades this board and this country needs to be brought into context. The drugs that are in black neighborhoods are there because white people put them there. The guns that are there are there because white people put them there.
So yeah there is black on black crime. But there is black on black crime because white people have rigged an economic system that has created a 100,000 dollar plus wealth gap and a policing system that makes felons out of black men while giving probation to their white counterparts for the same crimes. So if you rig the system so that the majority of Blacks end up with felony records, and then cannot get hired by the white owned companies, and then introduce an illegal way for them to make money while your hands stay clean, then yeah there will be Black on Black crime.
But there are plenty of mitigating circumstances that place a lot of this right back in the laps of white America. Deal with it. Facts are facts even if white America doesn't want to accept part of the blame.