Personally, I think that as both a Congressman from Ohio's 8th District as well as Speaker of the House--which puts him right after VPOTUS Joe Biden to succeed to the office of POTUS--John Boehner was too much of a RINO.
As titular head of the GOP, he failed to maintain a strong hand in opposition to Obama's socialist agenda. He may have talked a lot about the way Obama's socialist tenets will ultimately destroy our society, but when it came to actually leading the GOP House Caucus to vote against our ultra-leftist POTUS, IMHO, he could have done a whole lot more than he did to put an end to Obama's proto-communist designs for the USA.
I just hope that the next US Speaker of the US House will lead the GOP away from letting the US being a what the USSR was for almost 3/4th's of the 20th century.