On Wednesday I posted Way to go, Louisiana, about the citizens of Louisianans passing a pro-life amendment, the Love Life Amendment, 65 percent to 35 percent.
In contrast, I say Boo on Colorado. Its citizens defeated Proposition 115 -- a proposition that would have limited late-term abortions after 22 weeks of pregnancy. Proposition 115 recognized that a preborn baby in the womb at 22 weeks is a human life. It would have banned abortion after 22 weeks, with the exception of if it would immediately save the life of the pregnant woman. It was just too much for the abortion promoters, and they had the money and power to put it down. I did not know about this until after the fact, but if I were I betting man, I would bet they spread a lot of misinformation. About 60% of Colorado voters rejected Proposition 115 while about 40% supported it (I did not find the final numbers). The opponents of Proposition 115 far outspent the proponents (nearly $9 million versus about $500,000).
In contrast, I say Boo on Colorado. Its citizens defeated Proposition 115 -- a proposition that would have limited late-term abortions after 22 weeks of pregnancy. Proposition 115 recognized that a preborn baby in the womb at 22 weeks is a human life. It would have banned abortion after 22 weeks, with the exception of if it would immediately save the life of the pregnant woman. It was just too much for the abortion promoters, and they had the money and power to put it down. I did not know about this until after the fact, but if I were I betting man, I would bet they spread a lot of misinformation. About 60% of Colorado voters rejected Proposition 115 while about 40% supported it (I did not find the final numbers). The opponents of Proposition 115 far outspent the proponents (nearly $9 million versus about $500,000).