New Member
I am looking forward to many varied, helpful responses to this thread. As born again believers, biblically, how committed are we to be to family relationships? I am talking about people in your family who are not saved, that you pray for often, if not daily, but their personalities clash with yours and their lifestyle is opposite of the lifestyle of a born again believer. Are we to go to family "get togethers" everytime one is called? I am afraid I am not explaining myself well. I am talking about those in your family who do not claim Christ (or they may), but they are impossible to get along with. Biblical teachings on love, forgiveness, patience, kindness, etc.., cause me to struggle with this. Is it better/biblically ok, to stay away unless necessary or should we accept them for who they are and force ourselves (for lack of a better word) to be arond them often? I love my family with all of my heart, but some of them seem impossible. Thank you.