Here in NY - there is a 5 cent deposit of soda, beer, water and ect.
I go for a walk most mornings - and when I do - I take a bag with me and collec bottles;
then I turn them in for the deposit. - I use the $$ to make extra payments on my car note.
Next year, I will be paying off my car loan 6 months interest. - what really made the difference
was saving compounded interest on my payments.
But that is not the subject of this thread.
I find bottles of soda and water -often with 50% full -or even more.
Around here, a 16 oz bottle of soda is about 2.50.
Why would someone buy a bottle of Coke - only take a sip or two
and then throw it out the window.
I could see if there was just -say 10% left - but half full? or more?
So why buy it - just to throw it away.
I dont get it!
I go for a walk most mornings - and when I do - I take a bag with me and collec bottles;
then I turn them in for the deposit. - I use the $$ to make extra payments on my car note.
Next year, I will be paying off my car loan 6 months interest. - what really made the difference
was saving compounded interest on my payments.
But that is not the subject of this thread.
I find bottles of soda and water -often with 50% full -or even more.
Around here, a 16 oz bottle of soda is about 2.50.
Why would someone buy a bottle of Coke - only take a sip or two
and then throw it out the window.
I could see if there was just -say 10% left - but half full? or more?
So why buy it - just to throw it away.
I dont get it!