Look who Philadelphia's new police commissioner is, they hire people like that in democrat run cities. Progressive political social justice warriors who have strange beliefs about looting and social justice.
If more democrats gain power, you can expect more of this in more places, and also right to the top of government officials, right to the white house with Biden, who is likely to be kicked out and then Harris who is called the most progressive senator ever will be running the countries executive branch with a lot of power as in executive orders.
No, that order had to come from the Commissioner herself, Danielle Outlaw, who we’ve discussed here on many occasions. It had to be either her or Mayor Jim Kenney, possibly a joint decision between the two of them.
As you may recall, Danielle Outlaw took the office of Police Commissioner
on a promise to “put an end to the incarceration nation” that we all supposedly live in. She’s been one of the biggest proponents of the “empty the jails” movement in the country. When the pandemic hit, she quickly used that as an excuse to speed up her efforts to put as many convicts back out on the streets as possible.
Oh, and just in case you weren’t aware of her history prior to coming to Philadelphia, do you know where her last gig as Chief of Police was?
In Portland, Oregon. It sounds like she was paving the way for the chaos and mayhem in Portland long before she brought those same theories of “law enforcement” to the City of Brotherly Love.