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Bro.Cloud on Southern Baptist Theological Seminary & New Evangelicalism

Discussion in 'Baptist Colleges & Seminaries' started by Gregory Perry Sr., Nov 7, 2005.

  1. Bible-boy

    Bible-boy Active Member

    Sep 1, 2002
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    I would point out that what brother Cloud said about the Evangelical Theological Society (ETS) allowing its members to hold to Open Theism is incorrect. According to Cloud in the opening post:
    As I recall the series of events it went something like this:

    Some members of the ETS wrote in support of Open Theism. At the following ETS annual meeting they debated the issue but came to no real conclusion.

    Then a year passed by and at the next ETS annual meeting they brought three of their members up on charges regarding Open Theism not being in line with the ETS statement of faith. As a result of this meeting two of the ETS Scholars agreed to alter their position on Open Theism and when their published works are re-issued to edit the content regarding Open Theism. However, one scholar refused to change his position on Open Theism and he was disfellowshiped (removed from membership) from the ETS.

    [ November 22, 2005, 06:54 AM: Message edited by: Bible-boy ]
  2. TomVols

    TomVols New Member

    Oct 30, 2000
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    As an ETS member, I can tell you that's pretty much correct. Mr. Cloud misspoke. Let me doublecheck on whether or not Dr. Pinnock was excluded for membership.
  3. TomVols

    TomVols New Member

    Oct 30, 2000
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    There is a third option, and that's not sit with either. That's what I'd do. There's no difference between Cloud and liberals at the end of the day. Cloud's attack on Bibliology, Soteriology, etc., does as much damage (If not worse) than what Spong or the toothless, impotent Jesus Seminar did or does.
    In my experience, he is, and that's unfortunate.
  4. TomVols

    TomVols New Member

    Oct 30, 2000
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    I'm giving the 24 hour notice on this thread. We've probably covered as much as necessary. Unless there is substance germane to the topic at hand, the thread will close 9am Eastern tomorrow. Thanks!
  5. rsr

    rsr <b> 7,000 posts club</b>

    Dec 11, 2001
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    Gregory Boyd's membership in the ETS had lapsed by the time the ETS began considering charges. The ETS membership voted 212-432 not to sustain charges against Clark Pinnock; it voted 388-231 to sustain charges against John Sanders, but that fell short of the two-thirds majority required.
  6. TomVols

    TomVols New Member

    Oct 30, 2000
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    I got the name wrong, but I was thinking that while there was something strong, no one lost their membership. I don't know if Sanders will be active in ETS. I've not kept up as much with happenings there the past couple of years. I need to do so. Thanks for posting the info.
  7. shannonL

    shannonL New Member

    May 27, 2005
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    IMHO the falling short of the two thirds majority needed to kick out Sanders and Pinnock is a prime example of where societies like the NAE and ETS fall short of what is biblically correct. I have read enough articles and and portions of Pinnock to know that man is no friend of the Scriptures nor the Gospel he is a heretic. Yet, the ETS couldn't find a majority to declare his doctrine heretical. My 11 year old daughter has enough Bible under her belt to do that.

    Tom Vols,
    I agree alot of the stuff cloud has espoused is harmful his views have splintered IFB ers one more time. Yet I have to disagree with you as far as him being mainstream to IFB that just isn't true. It is true that those of his "ilk" are of considerable number but not the majority.

    Also, I was just in Barnes and Noble skimmimg through Spong's latest attack on christianity and the Bible as well as God. There is no way I would equate Cloud's philosophy with that of Spong's
    IF people want to add unneeded burdens to bear in their christian life by making up their own standards that is one thing to spit in the face of all christians and the Lord like Spong does is a whole different matter.
    Evangelicals need to denounce men like Spong straight from the pulpit. Warning their people of a wolf in sheep's clothing.
  8. Bible-boy

    Bible-boy Active Member

    Sep 1, 2002
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    Didn't Pinnock at least agree to change his position on Open Theism and that was why the ETS membership voted not to sustain charges against him?

    [ November 23, 2005, 02:31 AM: Message edited by: Bible-boy ]
  9. rsr

    rsr <b> 7,000 posts club</b>

    Dec 11, 2001
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    — Clark Pinnock, statement to the ETS, March 2004

    Emphasis added

  10. TomVols

    TomVols New Member

    Oct 30, 2000
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    I do not equate their philosophy. I do equate the results of their philosophies, which are equal. When the Biblical doctrine of Bibliology is weakened, it doesn't matter who does it or the philosophy used to weaken it. When the Biblical doctrine of soteriology is weakened, it doesn't matter who does it or the philosophy used to weaken it. There is no doubt their philosophies are different. I'd agree a heck of a lot more with Cloud than I would with Spong (I'm surprised he's even being taken seriously), but that doesn't mean that Cloud's effects are better.

    This brings up a side issue. I know that some people love being able to buy Christian books at Barnes and Noble, Borders, and Books-a-Million just to name a few. But these places are not discerning. They have no problem putting Spong next to Sproul. They see no difference. But that's part and parcel of the pluralistic culture we live in :( At any rate, shop at Lifeway or from the good Online sellers [​IMG]

    Agreed. Hasn't come up in a while because his writings are not even taken seriously by many in his own camp. He's seen by many as the Matt Drudge of mainline liberal theology. But wolves like Spong, Cloud, and others, must be refuted with Scriptural teaching.
  11. TomVols

    TomVols New Member

    Oct 30, 2000
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    I'm going to leave this open just a tad longer since the ETS/Pinnock discussion is fruitful. Probably few hours or so. After that, we'll have to take it all up in another thread [​IMG]
  12. Scott J

    Scott J Active Member
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    Apr 25, 2001
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    FYI, I tried to engage Cloud via e-mail once.

    I asked him something on the order of, "If we must trust the CoE in the early 1600's to provide us with the only acceptable version of the Bible, can you explain what Puritans, Baptists, and others like us were running from when they risked life, family, and fortune by coming to America?"

    He wrote back refusing to engage me. Seemed like a simple enough question if what he says about Bible versions is true.

    His work I guess must speak for him. It is full of half-truths and distortions... like another I wrote him about where he claimed Philip Mauro as someone supporting his KJVO stance. Mauro explicitly stated otherwise in the context of the book Cloud lifted quotes from.

    I cannot call someone who creates strife and division by employment of false positions supported by deceptive means.
  13. Paul33

    Paul33 New Member

    Sep 18, 2004
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    I've asked that same question of others.

    They can't answer it.

    My brother was talking to a KJVO person in his church the other day. This person said that when you translate the Bible into a different language like Norwegian, you should translate from the KJV of the Bible. My brother than asked this man why he didn't translate the KJV of the Bible into "modern day English" so his kids in AWANA could understand what they were reading!

    He didn't have an answer!

    It's ok to translate the KJV into Norwegian, but not ok to translate the KJV into modern day English!
  14. Humblesmith

    Humblesmith Member

    Mar 11, 2005
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    Regarding the Pinnock issue at ETS:

    Norman Geisler, who was one of the founding members of the ETS, withdrew his membership when the ETS failed to condemn Pinnock. Dr. Geisler wrote a response detailing Pinnock's position and explaining why it was not in line with the founder's understanding of the ETS. In Pinnock's book "The Most Moved Mover" he says he got portions of his teachings from Alfred North Whitehead, a pantheist who qualifies as a heretic. In Dr. Geisler's article, he quotes much of the contradictions in Pinnock's views.

    That the ETS did not quickly and forcefully eject Clark Pinnock is a shame, and it leaves one wondering about the discernment, direction, and future of the group.
  15. MatthewHenry

    MatthewHenry New Member

    Aug 27, 2005
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    I offer a lone dessenting voice. I am a former pentecostal. Because David Cloud's writings on the apostate pentecostalism movement. now before anyone throws any flaming darts, hear me out for a second here. I agree some of his views on music and TV are a bit extreme. I don't agree with every little thing he says. HOWEVER, I began to read his articles on the "Strange History" of the pentecostal Church" and believe it or not. I also researched it online as well. and most of what he has written, from what I have been able to pull up. IS TRUE! (about the history of pentecostalism)

    I know some of the info on the CCM music and other stuff is old. But his whole point is you cannot white wash history. and that's what the CCM, pentecostal, and SBC want to do, they want to cover up. He is against Contemporary worship, and so am I! I grew up, basically in the movement, and trust me, what says about the CCM stuff, is absolutely correct. they reject solid and sound dcotrine and just like to "go with the flow" Because I was "anal" about doctrine, I was always labeled a "Legalist", All the time. One day, after a rather nasty experience at the last pentecostal church I was in. I prayed and asked the Lord to show me the honest truth and not the user friendly version. and you know what? The Lord lead me to David's site. and I'll tell you gents, it changed mty life, it challenged me to investigate, made me think, and after 6 months of soul searching, praying, and study. I came to place where I HAD to leave that movement for good. and Now I am in a IFB Church. best move I EVER made.

    David Cloud, FWIW, is a missionary in Napal. He runs a Church there, Wayoflife.org is something he does in his spare time.

    Again, I say to you all. Before you critize the man, Think first. because when I first came to his site, as a pentecostal, I got angry. very angry. But something pushed me to read more and investigate the stuff and sure enough. I began to see the truth. and it turns out, Cloud was right.

    As for the claim the Cloud is a chick clone, nothing could be further from the truth. Chick doesn't even sell any of Cloud's stuff. In fact, Chick is a "Double inspiration" person, cloud totally rejects the ruckmanite belief system.

    just some thoughts.


    "A Freind of David Cloud" [​IMG]
  16. paidagogos

    paidagogos Active Member

    Dec 15, 2003
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    If Norm Geisler resigned over this issue, then why are we cussing David Cloud for condeming it? What's the difference between Cloud and Geisler on this issue?
  17. Scott J

    Scott J Active Member
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    Apr 25, 2001
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    Geisler doesn't condemn everyone who doesn't bow down to his superiority.
  18. paidagogos

    paidagogos Active Member

    Dec 15, 2003
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    — Clark Pinnock, statement to the ETS, March 2004

    Emphasis added

    </font>[/QUOTE]Who knows where Clark Pinnock is? He’s all over the place. As a young college student, I thought Clark Pinnock was a bona fide scholar and Biblically sound. I was in the SBC then and Pinnock, who was professor at NOBTS, was blasting the liberal SBC college and seminary professors. Now, Pinnock has become what he has censured in others. I can still remember my chagrin when I quoted Pinnock on an issue only to find that he had changed his position. It is not that he has matured and refined his positions but it is basically that he has fish flopped all over the place on numerous issues. Who knows what he genuinely believes? Well, my opinion of him has changed too—he’s a gadfly scholar and wholly unsound Biblically. I have no confidence in him including his supposed recantation. IHMO, old Clark knows which side of his cornbread is buttered.
  19. paidagogos

    paidagogos Active Member

    Dec 15, 2003
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    Was Cloud wrong?
  20. paidagogos

    paidagogos Active Member

    Dec 15, 2003
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    It seems that you are implying that Cloud's motivation is his feeling of superiority, not his theological beliefs? Am I correct? How do you know? It is ironic that Cloud who is accused of a bitter and venomous spirit is himself the subject of prejudice and acrimonious attacks. My point was simply that Cloud and Geisler both seem to hold the same position toward the ETS and its failure to expel members holding Open Theology views.

    It appears that you are rather prejudiced against Cloud. Could you please support your charge of Mr. Cloud’s “feeling of superiority?” I don’t see that at all but I do see a man taking a hard theological line—he stills believe dogma.

    There's something in me that loves the underdog. When I see a bunch of folks beating up on a guy unfairly I have a compulsion to rush in and defend him regardless whether I agree with him or not. I will stipulate that hard-core Fundamentalist, of whom I am one, do tend to gang up and pound one’s opponents. And there are times when I am thoroughly embarrassed by their tactics and pigheadedness. However, I am thoroughly dismayed to see the same behavior in those who condemn it in the hardliners. And there’s a difference too! The hard-liners do it out of a sincere dogmatic conviction that they are right and truth in on their side. Now, why do those from a broader theological perspective advocating tolerance and sweetness do it? You tell me. ;)

    Considering myself to be a rather dogmatic individual, it bemuses me to no end to find that I am much broader and more tolerant than those advocating it. LOL, [​IMG] I accept the hard-bitten Fundamentalists with the same calmness as I accept the less stringent brethren. To my thinking, this broadens the spectrum to give me a broader field of acceptance. So, who is the tolerant guy now? :D