==So, what the "tea party" stands for is stopping the health care bill by electing someone who believes abortion should be legal? I knew there was something about the "tea party" movement I did not like. Moral compromise is never acceptable. It is a slippery slope, the first step towards accepting abortion.
"While this decision should ultimately be made by the woman in consultation with her doctor, I believe we need to reduce the number of abortions in America. I believe government has the responsibility to regulate in this area and I support parental consent and notification requirements and I oppose partial birth abortion. I also believe there are people of good will on both sides of the issue and we ought to work together to support and promote adoption as an alternative to abortion." (
Brown believes abortion should be legal. I cannot, I will not, vote for or support
any candidate who believes abortion should be legal.
==So, stopping this healthcare bill is more important that stopping the slaughter of millions of babies? Come on! Whenever someone says I don't believe/support something and then add the words "but" or "however" there is always a compromise coming. You can say you don't support pro-abortion candidates, but in this case you have. If abortion is as important as we have claimed it is, then there can be
no compromise. Period.
==Since Brown will not vote to end all abortions, that is a empty victory for political conservatives.
==Dream on. The power hungry democrats and republicans in DC will find a way to push their big noses into our personal lives (even more).
Any federal healthcare bill is unconstitutional (10th Amend.). Electing the pro-abortion candidate Scott Brown will not change that.
==I'm sorry, but I don't see anyone who believes that the murder of the innocent should be legal as an answer to prayer.
==Maybe you should read Romans 1 again. God not only judges those who engage in evil deeds (such as supporting abortion), He also judges those who support them (Rom 1:32).
==Excuse me, but Paul repented of his sin. Brown, to this point, still believes murder is ok. He has not repented.
==Whats to say that he won't go to DC and work against ending abortion? Your statement is the same type of thing we hear from young ladies interested in dating a non-christian guy. I think we call it "missionary dating" and, btw, it rarely works. I'm not going to support a pro-abortion candidate in the hopes that one day he will repent. If he repents, he
might get my support. Until then, I will not support Scott Brown any more than I could support any pro-abortion candidate.
==What about the "right to life" that Brown denies? Is that freedom? I don't think so.
==You better be careful trying to speak for God on these issues. Brown's election could very well be a sign of God's judgment upon professing this nation. I don't know that, but I'm just pointing out that we don't know why this guy was elected. What I do know is that I am not going to support any candidate who believes the murder of innocent babies should be legal. Period.