Back to the Future 1 is one of my favorite films (despite some bad language at times).
About eight years ago I toured Universal Studios and got to see the Court House Square up close --and
that special DeLorean.
Christoper Lloyd was excellent in the role of Doc Brown. I enjoyed his character a great deal. The scenes
when he is hanging from the clock is pure Harold Lloyd (1893-1971). Well, H.L. put his life on the line in
Safety Last --Christoper Lloyd's life was not in jeopardy.
I could picture John Lithgow in the role. But Chrisopher Walker would be an even better candidate.
I realize that while watching movies we need to suspend our disbelief. I will not address the very concept of
time travel itself. But there are a number of inconsistencies in the film. I wonder if any of you have noticed
(or even care). This is trivia, so major dogmas are not at stake.
This will not be in chronological order necessarily.
The letter that Marty wrote was torn up by Doc Brown. So why was it whole near the end of the film?
The pole and hook were not attached when Marty went back to 1985. What happened to it?
No policemen were patrolling Twin Pines Mall despite all that noise?!
When Doc was doing his clockwork (pun intended) and Marty was barrelling down to the line --
why were there absolutely no people or cars around at the time.
For that matter, when Doc had time on his hands --no one noticed? All that noise and commotion?
When Marty was trying to escape from the Libians no even one bullet struck his vehicle?
At the end of the movie when Doc came crashing into the trash cans --with all that clamor the McFly family
did not gather outside to see what the commotion was about?
Does anyone have any other observations regarding my theme? Don't discuss the plot holes of other films
on this thread. Make up a thread yourself if that interests you.
About eight years ago I toured Universal Studios and got to see the Court House Square up close --and
that special DeLorean.
Christoper Lloyd was excellent in the role of Doc Brown. I enjoyed his character a great deal. The scenes
when he is hanging from the clock is pure Harold Lloyd (1893-1971). Well, H.L. put his life on the line in
Safety Last --Christoper Lloyd's life was not in jeopardy.
I could picture John Lithgow in the role. But Chrisopher Walker would be an even better candidate.
I realize that while watching movies we need to suspend our disbelief. I will not address the very concept of
time travel itself. But there are a number of inconsistencies in the film. I wonder if any of you have noticed
(or even care). This is trivia, so major dogmas are not at stake.
This will not be in chronological order necessarily.
The letter that Marty wrote was torn up by Doc Brown. So why was it whole near the end of the film?
The pole and hook were not attached when Marty went back to 1985. What happened to it?
No policemen were patrolling Twin Pines Mall despite all that noise?!
When Doc was doing his clockwork (pun intended) and Marty was barrelling down to the line --
why were there absolutely no people or cars around at the time.
For that matter, when Doc had time on his hands --no one noticed? All that noise and commotion?
When Marty was trying to escape from the Libians no even one bullet struck his vehicle?
At the end of the movie when Doc came crashing into the trash cans --with all that clamor the McFly family
did not gather outside to see what the commotion was about?
Does anyone have any other observations regarding my theme? Don't discuss the plot holes of other films
on this thread. Make up a thread yourself if that interests you.