Note to RS....
....Doesn't look like everyone [like you said in you PM to me] is critical.
Does it matter when we criticize? It is coming. Did I pray? You bet! Do I feel empathy for those who lost life, loved ones or suffered all kinds on injuries? What kind of person would I be If I didn't weep with the victims?
Still. When it comes down the "rubber meeting the road" Obama has painted a picture of a weaker American around the world, and while it didn't begin in Benghazi, Benghazi sent the message that terrorist attacks "would be tolerated." You heard me right...terror attacks would be tolerated!
This POTUS is from the same mindset of his long-time pastor, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright; "The roosters have come home to roost!"
I'm sorry, but as an American, I feel no real sense of security when it comes to this administration's ability to protect us, or take action against the perps!
So, RS, criticize me until the cows come home. I am only saying what t ton of Americans feel right now.
This POTUS is more concerned about taking our guns from us; enacting his medical insurance; gutting the military; removing the moral backbone of this nation by demoralizing marriage by letting same-gender folks join the ranks of Holy Matirmony!
He only cares about destroying the GOP. Letting millions of unlawful immigrants have an easy track to citizenship [when it sh be a quick and easy deportation].
Obama's interest in "Swift justice" for terrorists is clearly seen in his desire to bring Col. Hasan to a quick, speedy trial for killing 13 people and an UNBORN child at Fort Hood, TX on November 5, 2009. My, my, my! It is going on four years, and this terrorist is still waiting trial.
It was Obama that went out on a worldwide tour, right after being elected as our first black president, only to apologize to those in the crowds for America's audacious, repugnant ways over the last century.
So, you think I'm jumping the gun? Well, when would you rcommend a post like this be brought public?