Giving health insurance to a group of people that could care less. [/QUOTE}
Taking guns out of the hands of good Americans.
Just like Reagan again who supported the Brady Bill. An assault weapons ban is politically impossible while an expanded background checks used to be supported even by the NRA.
Killing UNBORN babies in abortion mills.
I'm pro-life actually and deplore Obama's pro-abortion legalization stance but
Bowing to the threats of twerp of a leader in North Korea trying to make a name for himself.
President Obama has continued to refuse to accept a nuclear North Korea and pushed through new sanctions while ordering new missile defence systems deployed.
Freezing out nations that have care little about "Human rights" while kissing the ring of the Chinese in order to keep the credit card limits high!
Most of the borrowing comes from within the United States.
Oh, and taking vacations every other week. Then we has a growing nation that is moving into the realm of a socialistic county, and less like the democratically free, capitalistic nation it once was. :tear:
Would you have said the same thing eight years ago when President Bush was on vacation during Hurricane Katrina.
Oh, and I forgot....he is doing his best to sweep the Benghazi incident under the carpet of the Oval office. :tear:
If I left anything out, I am sorry.
Take a bow Mr. deserve the applause; after all this is the America you have created after five years of socialistic ideas.
Obama's policies are not socialist, or even Keynesianism. They are far more free-market than FDR or even Richard Nixon's policies.
And to answer your question, before you hit me with it. Yes I'm mad. I'm disgusted with the continual downward spiral of this once great nation into a sea of mediocrity! And having to sit by and listen to the liberal news media shower this administration with praise, and hearing this administration blow its horn of self accomplishments. :applause:
No offence but I sometimes wonder if we are talking about the same President here.
This is the President who has aggressively used drone strikes to kill hundreds of terrorists. This is the same President who passed health care reform legislation that was largely based on Republican ideas, and is to the right of President Nixon's UHC plan 40 years ago. This is the same President who has offered compromise after compromise for the Republicans on entitlements which his party values incredibly strongly.
Seriously? You don't think he's hoping for more and bigger attacks?
No I do not.
"intelligence services" :
What's the sarcasm for? Do you believe our intelligence services are a joke?