You have a wrong concept of forgiveness. Certainly we may forgive Will and others for what they have done, if they seek for forgiveness. At this point as far as I know he hasn't asked.Isn't forgiveness also in what all we do and unto all for the honor and glory of God?
Secondly even though forgiven, sin has its consequences--always!
That is a principle taught all throughout the Bible. Without the realization of that principle it is doubtful one can be saved. "The wages of sin is death." Sin has its consequences. Christ paid the penalty, that which you deserve, the consequence, of your sin.
A man may fry his brain through taking drugs and alcohol and then become saved. God may forgive him for that life of sin. But the destruction done to his brain will still be there. He will live with the physical consequences that he inflicted on his body for the rest of his life, even though he is saved, even though he is forgiven. Sin has its consequences.
One can be forgiven, but the consequences of that sin will still remain in place. When a person in jail gets saved, he doesn't get out of prison. The consequence of his remains. He stays in jail and serves his sentence even though he has been forgiven by God.
I don't know what you are talking about. The Bible is our final authority. If the Bible is our guide we will obey the rules. Those who do not obey the rules do not obey God. That is what the Bible teaches. When you say "I agree," then why break a promise and by your actions and say "I don't agree"? The Bible teaches submit, not rebel. There are not rules "omitted." The webmaster (this is a private board), can add or delete whatever rules he likes. It is his board.To claim equality to set of rules with the Bible and omit some rules found therein is not "hand in hand" now is it?