Why do you keep changing the subject? Nobody mentioned illegals. You were talking about US persons speaking Spanish. Spanish was the national language for all of Texas, most of Oklahoma, parts of Colorado, all of New Mexico, Arizona, Utah, and most of California prior to those territories becoming part of the USA.So the illegals are not arrogant for refusing to learn our language.....it's those Gringo's....
The people at McDonalds speaking Spanish are NOT illegals. McDonalds participates in the The Social Security Number Verification Service. The people speaking Spanish that you so vociferously object to have families who have probably been in this country longer than your family.
Hispanics speak Spanish.
Navajos speak Diné Bizaad.
Apaches speak Southern Athabaskan or Apachean.
They were ALL here before you!
Get over it!
You are the one who refuses to assimilate. If you don't like it go back to Europe.
I can't help laughing when you talk about learning the national language. It brings this meme to mind: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?...861551.-2207520000.1375821318.&type=3&theater