12/28/12: TENNESSEE: voter impersonation, double voting
"District 4 Election Commissioner Carl Payne reported an incident in which "a father cast an absentee ballot, the son voted in person and then the son changes clothes and returned to vote as his father. We learned of this from a written statement from the poll manager." Among other cases reported by Payne (who was defeated Nov. 6 by Sissie Ferguson): A voter came to cast a ballot, gave a name that was on the poll book, signed the receipt book and was allowed to vote. Another person using the same name came to vote later that day, "and was informed he'd already voted. The second person provided proof of identity," Payne reported. Also, a voter cast a ballot in person at the proper precinct — and then prepared a provisional ballot, including a sworn affidavit, at another precinct." Henry Bailey, Potential voter fraud in DeSoto turned over to investigators, The Commercial Appeal, Dec. 20, 2012.
11/29/12: MINNESOTA: voter impersonation
"A Cottage Grove man told police Nov. 6 that someone had committed voter fraud by signing his name at a polling place, making it impossible for him to vote. The incident was being investigated." Cottage Grove police reports for Nov. 29: Drugs, suspicious activity, voter fraud, burglary, South Washington County Bulletin, Nov. 29, 2012.
11/8/12: NEW YORK: voter impersonation
"there were at least two instances of “outright voter fraud” — one in the city of Poughkeepise and another in Pleasant Valley — where a voter went to vote only to find someone had forged that person’s name and voted in their stead." Patricia Doxsey, Dutchess County voting marred by controversy, Daily Freeman, Nov. 8, 2012.
11/6/12: CALIFORNIA: posthumous voting
"According to state records, Carol has voted in the last two presidential elections, despite having passed away...NBC Bay Area found several other examples, too. People like Sara Schiffman of San Leandro who died in 2007 yet still voted in 2008, or former Hayward police officer Frank Canela Tapia who has voted 8 times since 2005, though he died in 2001." Stephen Stock, Felipe Escamilla and Kevin Nious, Dead and Still Voting, NBC Bay Area, Nov. 6, 2012.