But y'all say Obama should not do what his predecessors did.
Here are the numbers you need to know about the use of executive action to enhance the functioning of our immigration system:
39: The number of times U.S. presidents have taken executive action from 1956 through the present.
11: The number of U.S. presidents who have taken executive action on immigration. Every single president since President Eisenhower, regardless of political party, has used administrative action to shape immigration policy.
More than 600,000: The number of Cubans who fled the Castro regime between 1959 and 1972 and were admitted into the United States outside of the normal visa system.
1.5 million: The number of spouses and children of immigrants who had gained legal status under the Immigration Reform and Control Act in 1986 and became eligible for deferred action in 1990 under President George H.W. Bush’s “Family Fairness” policy.
580,946: The number of young people who have received DACA—the two-year reprieve from deportation that also grants a work permit—since the program began in 2012.
12.7 years: The median years of residence among the unauthorized immigrant population—up from 8.6 years in 2007.
More than one in three: The amount of unauthorized adult immigrants living with their U.S. citizen children.
$44.96 billion: The increase in payroll tax revenues that would occur over the next five years if President Obama granted deferred action to unauthorized immigrants who have been in the United States for at least five years.