BTW, according to some family friend that live in the area, the Roseville Galleria Mall has had a long-stnading problem with clandestine solicitors, people who come in and try selling merchandise, passing out fliers about local events, handing out advertizing, and prostheletizing. It's not unreasonable for them, therefore, to ban these activities if they feel it's diruptive to the shopping environment.
There's no reason to oppose them doing so.
Right. The mall is a place of business, and the owner's ultimate goal is to make money, not turn the mall into a church or ball stadium or club for indoor walkers.
When I go to the mall, it is to SHOP, not to be approached by strangers wanting my attention. I also do not like to get run over by people power walking in the air-conditioned mall. If it continually happens, I'll take my business elsewhere.
Our mall here is a large, three story structure complete with parking garages, a food court, and various businesses and stores. Sometimes area youth pastors will take their youth groups to the mall to do "surveys" to teach them witnessing, or to have scavenger hunts. Once I was approached by two young men who stopped me and said "He is risen." I guess it was part of a scavenger hunt and they were looking for certain people who answered a certain way. Another time I was stopped by two guys who asked the time, even though there are various clocks throughout the mall.
Sorry, I don't like that. I don't like being approached by strangers who are acting odd, whether it's for a church youth outing or just dope heads trying to steal my purse. Since it's hard to tell the difference sometimes, I'd rather the mall NOT allow this sort of thing. I want to buy what I need and leave, that's it.