Jedi...I don't disagree with you but it does kinda open the old "Is it REALLY possible to BACKSLIDE "Biblically"" can of worms. It gets personal for me cause I went through a messy divorce (which I neither initiated or believe in from a Biblical standpoint) which resulted in me getting spiritually de-railed for almost 15 years. I never stopped "believing",but I fell apart completely and wound up living in far deeper sin than I had ever done before I professed faith in Christ. I have struggled with many doubts in my life because of these kind of things. This is probably a dangerous thing to divulge on a public board like this but the truth is the truth and I'm determined to confront it in my life so I can be better armed for battle. I'm back now....I do love the Lord but I'll always wonder what might have been if I had stayed faithful the 1st time.
On a seperate your opinion....after these people "fall".... should we continue to use the music they wrote and performed? I love that song that Ray Boltz wrote that goes..."Thank you for giving to the Lord...I am a life that was saved..." ( I think that's how it goes). I just think it is a real tragedy when the devil is able to publically destroy a testimony for Christ.
The operative distinction is whether backslidden (that's not even a word, right? Correct term...?) means a loss of salvation or a period of disobedience that doesn't equal lost salvation. It seems to me that Paul tells us in Romans 7-8 that it is possible for Christians to sin after an experience of salvation (though I am sure some debate whether that is what Paul actually says therein). If we attempt to assert that any Christian who sins loses his salvation, then I lose my on pretty much a daily basis and I am fortunate to see it restored again as I repent. That point of view seems a bit precarious to me.
But if we say that to backslide is different that to lose one's salvation, well of course that is a different matter. The Christian who finds himself entangled in sin invites God's correction--the very notion of which should lead us to stop sinning... But what do we say of the man who never stops such sin? I don't know. Your testimony is that for a long season of your life you willfully disobeyed God, yet you never stopped believing. Di the Spirit testify to you at this time that you were a child of God?
This entire matter is such a significant issue and it is important to hash out, so I am thankful you broached the topic. I know a young lady who claims the name of Christ but as long as I have known her she has been a practicing lesbian. How can this be? Was she saved when she was a practicing lesbian? Was she saved before she adopted this lifestyle? In her case I do not know, as we aren't that close. But is there a difference between a professing Christian who sins by homosexual conduct, a Christian who sins by viewing pornography, a Christian who sins by alcohol abuse (this is not an invitation for anyone to debate whether a man sins by drinking any alcohol period; let's not get derailed), and a Christian who sins by murdering a man? Is our salvation secure so long as we don't commit sin X? I Cor 6:9-10 offers a list of sinful lifestyles, the practitioners of which will not inherit God's kingdom. What does that mean? Drunkards will not get saved? Is Paul making a blunt statement (these folks WILL NOT be saved) or is he offering a Mark 10:26-7 kind of dynamic (where such people cannot be saved, yet with God all things are possible)?
Paul in I Cor 5 directs the church to expel a brother (Christian) engaged in sexual immorality. Paul orders the man's expulsion to punish him, to demonstrate the severity of his sinful behavior. But do we see Paul claiming the man is unsaved? What are the implications we draw from this passage? Clearly we see that if we have a Christian known to engage in an ungodly lifestyle we are to rebuke him (the Matthew 18:15-17 discipline progression applies here, I am sure) and cast him from the fellowship. But what is his spiritual state at this time? Disobedient? Yes? Unsaved? That is the question... I don't see any indication that he is unsaved.
What do you guys and gals think?