To answer your question: No.
Re: SBC Constitution--the first sentence comingles three different types of entity: missionary societies, churches and other religious bodies. The New Testament Church commission seems to be muddled from the gitgo. It is certainly riddled with ambiguity. The Salvation Army is a missionary society of sorts. Would they be considered for membership?
The messengers part is seemingly slanted toward the wealthier churches, etal. Each church gets 2 minimum, with 10 more available for more donations. What about other religious bodies? This eliminates an even playing field.
The SBC seems to have a bureaucracy that would give the U.S. government competition. There are boards, institutions and commissions. Who pays for all this administration?
What percentage of donations actually gets to the mission field?
I have seen several missionaries go on the field full time with the help of 5 or 6 small churches--with no administrative costs whatever.
Even so, come, Lord Jesus.
Bro. James