Well-Known Member
Perhaps I assumed your perspective and drew a wrong conclusion.
Certainly and just to clarify, you must then be using the term as the once a year offering upon the mercy seat. Then we would agree, and so would both John and Paul. That such offering was universal (for all in the land) irregardless of the individual heart condition, and so a picture of the atonement of Christ.
However, there are those who do teach that universal atonement indicates that there is no hell and God saves everyone. This view is heretical and held as such by the board moderators. It was that to which I inappropriately was responding. My apologies, for apparently I assumed incorrectly.
The difficulty in any discussion on the board is the view encased by terms that may be aligned differently by the readers.
For example, there are those who would limit the blood shed to a select few, calling for a limited atonement, when the actual limit is not insufficiency of blood but the redemption being strictly the selection of the Father.
Hence, the responses on this thread.
yes, indeed there are many views of the Atonement of Jesus Christ that are not based on the teachings of the Holy Bible. Limited Atonement being one of them. I think that you mean "universal salvation" and not "universal atonement", when you spake of those who believe that all will be saved in the end.