apples and durians.
you are comparing a Holy, Sinless, Sovereign God, who is answerable to no one, so great that He can only swear by His Name and no other, who spoke things into existence, who OWNS THE LANDS, THE CATTLE, THE FISH IN THE SEA, and the VERY AIR you breathe, and, therefore may do, and does, whatsoever he pleases in the amy of heaven and of earth, who is so big the entire universe cannot contain Him, yet so humble He resides in the hearts of sinful creatures, to a SINFUL, ABSOLUTELY IMPURE, totally depraved, creature from whose heart come out the evils in life, who have no power AT ALL to create anything from nothing, whose hypocrisies are so subtle he cannot himself see it, who speaks foolishness in pretense of wisdom, who cannot even get from point A to point B simply by wishing to, who cannot create houses without the flimsy, perishable things that THE GOD YOU WANT TO BE COMPARED TO CREATED, who cannot defeat thousands without the use of thousands.
I can go on and on and on on why there is absolutely no point of comparison, but you will go on and on and on in your pretenses to believe and worship the God of the Bible while subtly insulting His Person and His Sovereignty.
like I said to everyone whose doctrine are near comparable to yours: