I asked Mr. McKissic why he would say such thing, given John Newton
Newton was really an anomaly among Puritans and their heirs!
per Puritanism scholar Dr. Richard Bailey:
Joe Thorn • 1689 Baptist Confession blog
"I...found myself wrestling with the ways puritans viewed 'race' and slavery."
"saying something like, 'We must understand these puritans were simply men of their times'...[is] such a copout....the puritans were often among the 'worst men of their times'....they were sinners. Sinners that needed a Savior"
"there were a few puritans and 'sons of puritans' speaking out against slavery. But woefully few."
"hymn writer John Newton is one....After being captured and sold into slavery in Africa, Newton became a Christian and lived with the contradictions of slavery as he captained several slave vessels. Some thirty years after his retirement, Newton spoke out against the African slave trade"
"[But] in general puritans supported the enslavement of other humans in finances, in theory, and in practice."
"nearly all of them deemed slavery (and race-based slavery in particular) as part of the way that God had ordered the world."
"Puritans on both sides of the Atlantic secured slaves...it was more common for English puritans in the Americas to do so simply because slaves were so prevalent there. Puritan ministers and leaders were often the people in a given community who had the necessary capital to purchase other humans....The accounts of how puritan ministers abused their 'human property' are there and such accounts are mindboggling."