Do those who practice free will have an identity? Large/dominate groups most often chose a name.
Yes we do "born again Christians"
Not willing to remain simple minded in your view, please provide the name of the alternate group.
Born again Christian.
Supporting documentation please.
Here you are wanting me to support your doctrine. Most all Calvinist claim they were saved so they could believe. They are placing Salvation before they even know God.
Supporting documentation please. Or, is this you imagination running wild?
Did Saul, on the road to Damascus exercise his free will by asking Christ to save him?
Running wild LOL

How else could your false doctrine be explained.I'll use this. Your false doctrine of total depravity demands all men are dead in sin and cannot respond to the gospel. So you have to be saved or regenerated in order to understand after you are saved if you can't understand you can't have faith because Faith comes by hearing the gospel. Although some how the moment you are saved you know all about Jesus and have faith. What a load of bull.
By the way Paul submitted to Christ when he asked the lord what He would have Him do. That is a willing will to serve the Lord. The Bible never says we have to ask it just says to;
Act 16:31 And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house.
Belief come first