I'm sorry, I don't understand the question. You seem to be suggesting that only persons with one narrowly defined Soteriology are saved, which is, in my opinion, blasphemy. (Not to mention probably against the forum rules of questioning the salvation of those who disagree with you.)
That wasn't what I meant at all. I must have written very poorly. I'm sorry for that.
You answered a Calvinist forum post in a manner which seemed like an affirmative multiple times. Now you're saying that you aren't actually Calvanist and are instead a primitive Baptist.
I was just trying to find out what Calvinists believe. One of the primary beliefs this forum thread was focused on was what some people call predestination, election, chosen, etc. (You may use another name for something similar.) You seemed to indicate you had this belief.
Now I don't know if you were just playing devil's advocate or actually believed what you wrote here. Are you playing a joke on me?
I saw the many posts you made here affirming the Calvinist viewpoint. I noticed the passage you used. But one thing I have failed to see is how any of this affected the faith of the people
in action.
Assuming you weren't joking or playing devil's advocate, how does the belief in the passage actually affect your actions? Do you make sure you give more to the poor, or pray more or less, or do anything different because of this belief? How should it affect someone's actions? Why do you share your belief in this passage? Would you oppose performing sacraments (or whatever similar thing you may call it) with or for someone who believes differently? Do you believe that this belief is one of the keys to your salvation?
If you don't want to answer. That's fine. Your posts on this forum seemed to indicate your interest in sharing your beliefs. But if my questions make you feel uncomfortable, by all means, don't answer. I won't insist that you do and if you don't I won't take it personally. But hopefully, I haven't written my questions so poorly that they offend you.
I'm asking, in part, because I'm wondering if I should spend my limited time on studying this subject.