I have no problem being called a Calvinist because I know what is meant by the term. Charles Spurgeon understood it's meaning to be more narrow than embracing the totality of Calvin's theology. I have advanced beyond being upset when opponents of Calvinism call me a determinist or fatalist. A person can call me whatever they want. I simply refuse to argue from another person's premise. In most of the debates on the BB that I have participated in about Calvinism, I have tried to offer a biblical defense. I just choose to ignore pejorative statements since they are wholly subjective and expose my interlocutor's inability to engage in a meaningful debate. For a time I used the terms Monergist and Synergist in substitution of Calvinist and Arminian but I finally came to the conclusion it was naught else than stepping on eggshells. I have since decided to pick and choose which discussions to participate in. I am still of the opinion that the real audience for these discussions are those who read them but seldom post. That makes engaging and disengaging from BB discussions much easier.
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