Thank you Icon for the most recent posts in this discussion. This is how civil and mutually respectful dialogue should happen, even knowing that one is some distance theologically from the other.
Believers have real enemies to contend with.....the world, the flesh ,and the devil.
I would like it more if we could work to upgrade the BB....into a fountain of grace,instruction and edification....
A message board has it's ups and persons come in ,and want to lash out at "error"...we are all susceptible to getting over-heated and blowing a fuse.
When error is is correct to offer correction. Sometimes if our emotions are not in check...we can be harsh or a fleshly way, when trying to offer the correction however.
I have sinned in this way....and I have noticed that quite possibly some others have as well....maybe, just maybe all of us for sure.
If our internal thoughts were made manifest on the board...we would all be guilty for Paul in Romans 7 .....of wretched man that I am...not oh wretched man that I was:laugh: have a certain kind of personality...that comes from being in an academic setting
[ although the teachers lounge can be a caldron of lewd conversation from time to time].
Also if you have walked with the Lord for some time you will exhibit the fruits of the Spirit.
Some of us are in different situations. That does not excuse rough, or base behaviour...but sometimes like Lot ....our souls are vexed with the conversation of the wicked. The world wants to ...rub off on us.
We must watch unto prayer.
Many have expressed this same concern in recent weeks..and some small progress has been made. If it grows, the BB will progress toward being a worthwhile place to edify all who come in.