Do you read books and or listen to Podcasts by Arminian? I do as I like to hear their arguments. Yesterday one (former Calvinist) said that Calvinism = Fatalistic determinism or theistic fatalism (can't remember the exact word). And then he said that in a Calvinistic worldview it brought pleasure to God for Adam to Fall and the world to be in sin. He also said that Armianism is not exactly Pelagianism (man converts himself) or semi-Pelagianism (man does some and God does some in conversion) of which I agree. What do you think about his arguments? I personally believe he was confusing Hyper-Calvinism with Calvinism.
A few days ago I was reading a book and one Arminian made some very good arguments I have not yet figured out. He was talking about prophecy (not interested in a debate on this subject thanks) and was talking of 2 Pet 3:9, and made some good arguments that it would be against God's nature to not wish to elect more than 100 Million People whom will take the mark of the beast during the tribulation. Why would God not grant faith and repentance to all those people? Do you have a response?
Its fun looking at the other side, but it also can cause confusion.
A few days ago I was reading a book and one Arminian made some very good arguments I have not yet figured out. He was talking about prophecy (not interested in a debate on this subject thanks) and was talking of 2 Pet 3:9, and made some good arguments that it would be against God's nature to not wish to elect more than 100 Million People whom will take the mark of the beast during the tribulation. Why would God not grant faith and repentance to all those people? Do you have a response?
Its fun looking at the other side, but it also can cause confusion.
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