New Member
One of your problems is that you are a universalist, which goes right along with Catholic doctrine. The universal church, to your dismay, has no function here on earth carrying out the Lord's work. It is obvious you have little regard for the local church. The universal church never shared the Gospel with anyone. It never sent out a missionary. It never administered the Lord's Supper, it never administered a Baptism. They never held a worship service, never visited the sick, or gave to the poor. They never took up an offering, sang a hymn or comforted anyone.You have not thought things through. You contradict yourself.
If these good and godly men such as Calvin,Luther and company "whom we may very well see in heaven";then they were and are part of the universal church for whom Christ shed his blood.
You can't make distinctions that you have tried to force because of your bias. Any saved person,regenerate,and bound for heaven is part of the Church. Period.
Then again, anyone who characterizes Calvin as a "good and godly man" is playing with a fifty card deck.