It think the distinction is the way in which we understand divine wrath. From the human perspective it may appear, and even be represented in scripture (anthropomorphically) as God's anger toward man, but I believe in reality the full revelation teaches us that God's wrath is the full weight of his power being poured out upon that which would destroy the objects of his greatest affection. ( i.e. 'God's wrath poured out against ungodliness')
When I caught my son looking at racy youtube videos on the computer I got VERY angry. And I punished him. But my anger was more directed at the sin and its potential to destroy someone I dearly love. That is a better picture of divine wrath.
God, through Christ, cures the curse of sin by taking on death and destroying that which would certainly destroy those he loves.
God's wrath is just as much a display of God's love as Grace is.
Wow, I would really like to give you a thumbs up for something, and maybe at some point I could have, but not here. I could not disagree more vehemently. You punishing your son has a remedial intention, "for his own good" or what not. There was none of that in the crucifixion. When someone is executed its not "for their own good". OK, Ill back track: in a mysterious way there was that, as it says in Hebrews that Christ "learned obedience from the things which he suffered" which I cannot claim to fully understand what that means. But you cannot deny that there is pent up wrath directed at elect humanity and a strong judicial attribute when Christ suffers as representative of the elect human race.
When Christ says "My God, why hast thou forsaken me". Its not God giving him a spanking saying, "This hurts me a lot more than it hurts you. Someday you'll understand I'm doing this for your own good."
Just as I think of it here, I personally believe that there is an "initiation" attribute as well to the crucifixion. Won't attempt to justify that here. Its almost as if in our inner most thoughts we all have deeply divergent interpretations of these matters. Its kind of disturbing actually.
I don't know - depends on what you're implying - this discussion is so abstract, sometimes you can miss what someone is saying. I'm out of this for a while.
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