Let me preface this topic with the statement, I believe that a literal 6 day creation is fact.
Can we honestly teach Genesis as Science?
Particularly since science is defined
Back to my point can we honestly teach Genesis as Science? Wouldn't we better off teaching it as history as Genesis is a historical account?
Can we honestly teach Genesis as Science?
Particularly since science is defined
The genesis account does not fit the definition of Science. Evolutionary theory does fit the definition of science as it is a theory that appears to fit the existing observational data that have been collected through various means. In this sense Evolutionary theory is good science. As a person and former scientist who believes in the Fall of Creation, I do not believe science can tell us anything about creation. Science can only take us up to the time of the fall. Therefore, Evolutionary theory cannot explain the origin of life. Look at me now I have gone off on a rant.sci·ence
n 1.
1. The observation, identification, description, experimental investigation, and theoretical explanation of phenomena.
2. Such activities restricted to a class of natural phenomena.
3. Such activities applied to an object of inquiry or study.
2. Methodological activity, discipline, or study: I've got packing a suitcase down to a science.
3. An activity that appears to require study and method: the science of purchasing.
4. Knowledge, especially that gained through experience.
Back to my point can we honestly teach Genesis as Science? Wouldn't we better off teaching it as history as Genesis is a historical account?