I can help.You have set the bar VERY LOW for "free will" at "the ability to make choices".
When Pebbles, our Rottweiler, made the choice to "heel" or to "chase the squirrel", was she demonstrating her God given Free Will just like a person?
Could you explain how that is different from my claim "Free will" means we are not an "automaton" (Robot)?
When Pebbles chose to heel without command, then it would be of the dog's will. Same with chasing the squirrel when faced with an alternate choice (say, a hamburger or chase the squirrel).
Free will is defined by the ability to choose ("a voluntary choice or decision").
@Silverhair did not set the bar low. He gave the actual definition of the word.
"Automation" is the use of machines or equipment to produce an item with little human imput.
The opposite of free-will is determinism which holds that we do not have the ability to make legitimate choices.
Libertarian freewill is the theory that our will is independent of causes and influences to include God, desire, human nature, etc.
Free will is the ability to choose or make a decision even if influenced by past experience, indoctrination, human nature, etc.