"A Christian parent in West Virginia has voiced outrage after his seventh-grade daughter brought home a packet from her social studies class this week that includes a page asking students to practice writing the Islamic declaration of faith in Arabic calligraphy."
This happened a couple of days ago at Mountain Ridge Middle School in Gerrardstown, West Virginia.
Students were asked to write: “There is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is the messenger of Allah.”
Maybe Trump will abolish the US Department of Education and call on states to give every child a voucher to attend the school of his choice.
We all can think of children who attended Madrasas and who did not learn anything.
This happened a couple of days ago at Mountain Ridge Middle School in Gerrardstown, West Virginia.
Students were asked to write: “There is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is the messenger of Allah.”
Maybe Trump will abolish the US Department of Education and call on states to give every child a voucher to attend the school of his choice.
We all can think of children who attended Madrasas and who did not learn anything.