Why do we even get into these conversations?
Why do we put up with those who try to phrase a question so that UNLESS you let a gay person preach, you are a hypocrite? Or unless your church will ordain a woman who FEELS called contrary to God's Word, your church is full of hypocrites? (What could she preach anyway, having tossed out the Word of God by her "calling"?)
Whoever you are--male, female, gay, straight, leading a generally bent on sinning life or leading a life where you strive for holiness, let me ask YOU a question?
Jesus said if you would be first among us, be the slave of all. So quit worrying about how to get one of those upfront on the platform jobs, or teaching jobs, or playing an instrument or singing jobs. Just....serve. Clean a toilet. Go clean an old geezer's yard for him. Drive Aunt Tilly all over town this week as she recovers from cataract surgery.
Show us you yourself are not a hypocrite. Give up YOUR sin of judging before you ask others not to judge you.
We know, being literate, what the Bible teaches. Why on earth do we keep listening to some who are not sinners but COMMITTED TO THE SIN sinners try to justify it? And then complaining they get looked down on it to boot?