"It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it." -Aristotle
All right, let's give this a try:
Bill C: "Calvinism must exist before the ECF."
Bob A: "How do you know?"
Bill C: "Because it’s in the Bible."
Bob A: "Why should I believe Calvinism is in the Bible?"
Bill C: "Because the Bible was written by God."
, not always as easy as it sounds...

Try another:
Bill C: “God determined all things that ever happen, He is Sovereign."
Bob A: "Did God determine the things Jeffrey Dahmer did?"
Bill C: "No, Jeffrey Dahmer did what he did because of his nature."
Bob A: "Who determined Jeffrey Dahmer’s nature?"
Bill C: "God did, He determines all things, He is Sovereign."
Okay :laugh: ...yep, this is starting to get somewhat entertaining when you think about it. :laugh: