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ok Children - enough is enough - cut it out
Maybe you should just consider the Baptist Board Moderators defunded, maybe Aaron was caught and released, no bail required, or jumped the border and told them he was a Liberal and was given a free pass. Be more tolerant Use of Time!So we aren’t going to “snip” the calling of someone an unbeliever? I’m not a child so don’t call me one and don’t lump me in with him as part of the problem. I’ve not breached any rules here. I reported the post. Either enforce the rules or don’t.
Two things
1) Being "independent" tells me nothing - at least say you are more liberal, conservative, libertarian, or some adjective.
2) Ask 10 Democrats what they believe - and you will get about 4 answers and the other nine have no ideal what the party platform says.
Maybe you should just consider the Baptist Board Moderators defunded, maybe Aaron was caught and released, no bail required, or jumped the border and told them he was a Liberal and was given a free pass. Be more tolerant Use of Time!![]()
Why don't you pray about it?So we aren’t going to “snip” the calling of someone an unbeliever? I’m not a child so don’t call me one and don’t lump me in with him as part of the problem. I’ve not breached any rules here. I reported the post. Either enforce the rules or don’t.
And abortion is murder, correct?Oh, infanticide?? Yeah that is sin.
If your Christian hnost attacks Islam or Homosexuality, must give equal time to other side, and also leads to things like pastors submitting their messages in order to make sure is "tolerant"Sounds really good huh? Well, it tacitly targets conservative radio and TV specifically. IOW if Rush talks for three hours, then by the Fairness Doctrine, he must hire and allow someone to give opposite views for three hours because that's "fair." And, of course, the objective and already fair major network news channels don't count because they're "fair" because it's just news. If your pastor broadcasts on the radio, teaching from Scripture, like Romans 1:18-32; by law he will have to hire and allow someone who teaches that all those things in 1:18-32 are just fine because since your pastor is using the government owned radio frequencies, he must be "fair" and not just one sided.
And abortion is murder, correct?
The big problem is that their agenda and policies are of the Kingdom of Darkness, and so the Kingdoms of God and satan are now set up to clash!Abortion is murder. This however, does not mean that we shouldn’t respect and honor our civil leaders who say that abortion is a woman’s choice however bad this error may be. Sin, error, and impiety in civil leaders does not make void our duty to respect and honor them as the servants of God.
Joe Biden “...is a minister [or servant] of God to thee for good...” (Romans 13:4 ASV)
No doubt Nero and other of the Roman emperors were ungodly men. But neither their ungodliness nor any murder they may have been guilty of or taken part in nullified Christians’ duty to honor and respect their persons in the Lord, to not speak lightly of them, to not malign them, to not speak evil of them, or to not speak dishonorably or disrespectfully of them.
I hope we can all respect and honor Joe Biden as President of the United States and servant of God.
It is my desire that we will be able to use moderation and even come together as a nation with the Democrats and President Joe Biden, though we may not and ought not to join with them in defending or promoting their pro-choice or LGBT views or agendas. We must oppose abortion being legal in a right manner. It is not enough not we should merely oppose abortion being legal or oppose the LGBT agenda, but we must also do it in a right and godly manner with use of moderation, forbearance and patience. We can exercise forbearance in reference to the sins of others or sinful policies, but we ought not to approve of, indicate that we approve of, act like we approve of, or pretend to approve of sin.
Check your premises. A murderer, better said, a thief fighting to allow the murder of our innocent unborn is neither "civil" or my "leader". Using the typical simple argument of a Liberal: "I’m never tolerant of being called a __________." (murderer!) - nor do I partake in ANY WAY of condoning such evil!Abortion is murder. This however, does not mean that we shouldn’t respect and honor our civil leaders who say that abortion is a woman’s choice...
You are reading WAY too much into that scripture and not comparing scripture to scripture at a minimum. I'll give you the benefit of doubt that you were equally an activist for the Presidency of Trump being good though, and hopefully, at least are not being hypocritical with that interpretation. I don't know, but I do not remember you here defending Trump like this...Joe Biden “...is a minister [or servant] of God to thee for good...” (Romans 13:4 ASV)
I hope we can all respect and honor Joe Biden as President of the United States and servant of God.
Check your premises. A murderer, better said, a thief fighting to allow the murder of our innocent unborn is neither "civil" or my "leader". Using the typical simple argument of a Liberal: "I’m never tolerant of being called a __________." (murderer!) - nor do I partake in ANY WAY of condoning such evil!
As for your next premise:
You are reading WAY too much into that scripture and not comparing scripture to scripture at a minimum. I'll give you the benefit of doubt that you were equally an activist for the Presidency of Trump being good though, and hopefully, at least are not being hypocritical with that interpretation. I don't know, but I do not remember you here defending Trump like this...
One can show respect for the top leadership position in the USA without "respecting and honoring" Joe Biden and/or his ways. It seems your argument's conclusion is to call evil, good and claim the Christian thing to do is to respect and honor it. I'd just as soon respect and honor the Devil himself and that would be over my dead body.
Although, I share the desire for our nation to come together, I will not, would not and do not consider it the Christian thing to do to disregard our values for peace under the threat that there will be none if we do not surrender to evil. I might call that kind of plea a lot of things, but Christian would not be one of them!
I can respond to that if no-one else can. Roe versus Wade was decided 1n 1973 by a Supreme Court composed of 6 Republicans and 3 Democrats. The Chief Justice was a Republican. A Republican wrote the majority opinion. The vote was 7-2 with one Democrat and one Republican dissenting. So who brought us the federal law making abortion legal everywhere? The Republican Party.Then who made it permissible? And what was the reasoning behind it?
I can respond to that if no-one else can -. Roe versus Wade was decided 1n 1973 by a Supreme Court composed of 6 Republicans and 3 Democrats. The Chief Justice was a Republican. A Republican wrote the majority opinion. The vote was 7-2 with one Democrat and one Republican dissenting. So who brought us the federal law making abortion legal everywhere? The Republican Party.
First the Abortion ruling was NOT a law - federal or otherwise - it was a COURT decision.
Second - WHY did they rule the way they did.
In Part - the 14 the amendment says All persons born ... in the United States..."
Thus the Court said since a baby had not yet been born - does not have any rights.
From the below listed link: " the court declared that a woman’s right to an abortion was implicit in the right to privacy protected by the 14th Amendment."
But here is what is interesting - the 14th says nothing about privacy!
Roe v. Wade
Three final thoughts
1) For those who are Pro-abortion - I like to ask them - "aren't you glad your mom chose not to have an abortion?
2) For those who say abortion is acceptable (even those who say "I would never have an abortion, but if you want to ....) those folks are PRO-ABORTION - and we MUST insist they be called exactly what they are.
3) I tell people that I am pro-choice - BECAUSE I believe that a Baby has the right to chose if he wants to be aborted or not!
I agree with your first point. However, I don't see what difference that makes. R vs. W was an interpretation of the Constitution as amended and that certainly stands as law doesn't it. Or do you not believe in the Constitution?