Calv1: This is getting tedious. Understand, I don't care what MacArthur thinks, get it? I don't care what book he wrote
I understand why you might say that now, but earlier when I asked if you respected him you replied, "Yes, and I agree with him much of the time."
I asked you this because I felt that you would take instruction from him more readily than from me regarding this point of contention. Clearly, you are not willing to hear this from anyone and don't care what an older, respected, more educated brother in the Lord might share with you about a particular subject. I don't mind if you disagree with the man, but state arguments and reasoning for you conclusions rather than just dismissing him and me as "not caring what others think."
Call me hyper then, or Biblical, or Reformed, I don't care, you happy?
Yes, I am happy. It is a beautiful day outside and my family is healthy and I'm worshipping with my brethren this evening at church. Very happy, thanks for asking. I'll call you "Calv1" for now because I'm not sure you are done labeling yourself just yet.
And I am deadly with my facts, you ever wish to debate for real you'll see. I am terrified to make a mistake, are you
By "deadly" do you mean like "dead to facts," as in you born totally unable to respond to them when they are given?

Since you are a self-proclaimed Arminian apologist and "deadly with facts" then may I recommend not saying things like MacArthur has no biblical support for his views, because that is clearly contrary to the facts.
Calv1: You are just being a nit picker. You won't read a wonderful post I put up, but you'll spend all night trying to label me.
I'm sure all your posts are quite wonderful and I'd love to respond to any of them you would like to direct me to. Right now however, I'm having a discussion with you about several points you made about God's love (or lack thereof). I can understand why you wouldn't want to discuss that point any further though, since even those you respect in your own "Calvinistic" system have written large volumes of work debunking it. It's ok, we can move on.
Calv1: I'm through with this, this is not debate, it's nit picking and trying to find fault.
What you call "nit picking" I call an important fact. If I believed something that even most respected Arminians apposed, wouldn't you point it out? For example if I believed God really doesn't know man's choices (Open Theism), wouldn't you say something about that?
And, by the way, finding "fault" is a necessary aspect of debate. I'm not intending to hurt your feelings. Just point out the facts and point out where I believe you err.
Just because there are differences doesn't mean there is tension, you should be careful with your words.
Tension defined: "a situation or condition of hostility, suspense, or uneasiness"
Now, when I read MacArthur's reply to Pinks teaching I since at least a bit of "uneasiness" and some might even say "hostility." To label someone "hyper" as MacArthur and Johnson do is a disagreement that has caused some clear hostility among the ranks (just as witnessed here). Again, just the facts. I think my word was well chosen, I believe it could have been much more harsh than the word "tension" and still have been accurate.
My great friend and I agree on almost everything, but he's a hardcore dispensationlist, I'm CT, and there is no "Tension".
Well, then maybe you can give Pink and MacArthur a lesson on this matter, because I sense tension between them on this point.
I thought these forums were about principles and not personalities?
When have I attacked you personally Calv1? I have addressed your arguments/principles concisely, patiently and thoroughly. It is you who have stated you don't care what others think and accused me of being "tedious", "nit-picky" and only desiring to "label you."
Have a great day!