Various forms of oligarchy - look around the world - the LG movement, Zionism, Pseudo-evangelical Christianity, RCC, KKK, Islam, Black Power ....... but always the multinational corporations hold the real power, taking the money & moving it to tax-havens where it is totally removed from the economy, leaving the working middle classes to pay for the running of our countries by taxation of earnings & pensions.
Christian Socialism [not Stalinist Communism] is not an oxymoron - it is the best we can hope for as true Democracy - government of the people, by the people, for the people, with due respect for minorities. And taxation according to income, rather than all the tax evasion that means a corporation can employ workers at low pay, charge prices that result in high profits, & hide those profits from the tax authorities. It amounts to robbing the poor to make the rich richer.
In the 35 years after WW2 Britain had Socialist policies that provided a National Health Service - free at the point of need; State Pensions; Council housing at affordable rents; manufacturing industries providing apprenticeships & lifetime employment; employment rights; etc. When I was growing up in the 40s & 50s, we all had the prospect of employment, marriage & an independent home for our families.
Then the rich oligarchy took over, exporting industries & jobs to the third world. Now our countries are richer than ever they were in those days, but the people are poorer & without normal prospects.
Choice - Oligarchy, "Christian" Socialism, or Anarchy.
Meanwhile the various oligarchists have their way, imposing unjust laws - as in the OP - for their own benefit, all around the world.