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IS THE TEACHING OF A LITERAL 6 DAY CREATION REALLY ALL THAT IMPORTANT? Some would say no and some like me would say yes. Does it affect my salvation or how to get saved?...NO. Is it a big enough doctrine to separate over?...NO. Does it matter when it is all said and done?...YES.
Here is why. Error of doctrine at any point of GENESIS in the bible, will often lead you to other false teachings. If you mess with GENESIS you messed with the whole foundation. Everything after is a fulfillment of the book of Genesis. Romans is another book I have found to have so much TRUTH in it, to me it is all there, of what we need. Romans just may be the foundation for the New Testament as Genesis is for the old. Often one can go to any book and go back to these two and find a similarity.
Anyway, point being, if a BELIEVER holds to a “gap theory” or an evolutionistic scientific view of creation, don’t you think that is a LIE Satan will use to keep one from TRUTH…it did me. One would actually be amazed at all the SCIENTIFIC PROOF that points to a literal 6 days, more than the other way around. Although growing up, I knew in my head that there was ONE TRUE GOD and that Jesus was it, and that He died for my sins and all…BUT, what about evolution and Adam and Eve how did we all get here, blah, blah,,blah?….The LIE I was taught in school kept me from knowing God sooner. I could have died during that time and almost did. Your Christian kids are being lied to in their public schools and colleges and you believe the lie too? Wonder what else they can convince them of?
To not believe in a literal 6 day creation is to also not take God at His word, so if we can’t take Him at His word “IN THE BEGINNING”…then how can I in the rest of the word? Like I said about basic hermeneutics…One must take the bible LITERAL unless stated otherwise, because that is the one trick Satan uses for DECEPTION and OFFENSE. When one doesn’t take at first glance scripture literally like you would do anything else you may read, THEY become the AUTHORITY of what God’s word says and not God. That is what ALL religions and cults do, and is what Lucifer did in the Garden of Eden with Adam and Eve. He basically said, “Oh it ain’t a big deal, God didn’t mean what He said to you, think of it this way, at a different angle”…I KNOW BETTER? Wow, pretty bold stuff there.
If only the church would stop preaching/teaching “Topical, Relational, Feel Good” sermons (they should not be the norm) and start dissecting the word of God like Paul commanded us to do….2 Tim 2: 15 Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. Paul also goes on to talk about those desiring MILK and not MEAT. 1 Cor and 1 Peter. We have many babies in the church today, and then we wonder why there is such immaturity and why many sheep are wounded and hurting…knowledge is the first step of WISDOM. Actually the true meaning of WISDOM is it comes from God and it is the RIGHT USE OF KNOWLEDGE.
So to say, “it doesn’t matter what we believe as long as it is Jesus and Love, can’t we all get along?” only partially true (remember Satan mixes truth with lies) for if he can get us to be OFFENDED, that is what causes dissension…we are called to be of “One Accord”…to be “Of The Body”…to be “Of Like Mind”…to be “One With The Spirit”…we can’t do this if we believe the LIES!
We also must not be naive enough to think God has not allowed Satan to PLANT his “Wolves In Sheep’s Clothing” or the “Tares Among The Wheat”…He has, and their desire is to REPRODUCE just as much as God’s real sheep desire to do so. But, in a bad way though, and many don’t even realize the tool they are being at that moment. Satan’s other reason is to just plain DESTROY the good sheep. But the one who is SOUND in truth is the one who will prevail.
Here is why. Error of doctrine at any point of GENESIS in the bible, will often lead you to other false teachings. If you mess with GENESIS you messed with the whole foundation. Everything after is a fulfillment of the book of Genesis. Romans is another book I have found to have so much TRUTH in it, to me it is all there, of what we need. Romans just may be the foundation for the New Testament as Genesis is for the old. Often one can go to any book and go back to these two and find a similarity.
Anyway, point being, if a BELIEVER holds to a “gap theory” or an evolutionistic scientific view of creation, don’t you think that is a LIE Satan will use to keep one from TRUTH…it did me. One would actually be amazed at all the SCIENTIFIC PROOF that points to a literal 6 days, more than the other way around. Although growing up, I knew in my head that there was ONE TRUE GOD and that Jesus was it, and that He died for my sins and all…BUT, what about evolution and Adam and Eve how did we all get here, blah, blah,,blah?….The LIE I was taught in school kept me from knowing God sooner. I could have died during that time and almost did. Your Christian kids are being lied to in their public schools and colleges and you believe the lie too? Wonder what else they can convince them of?
To not believe in a literal 6 day creation is to also not take God at His word, so if we can’t take Him at His word “IN THE BEGINNING”…then how can I in the rest of the word? Like I said about basic hermeneutics…One must take the bible LITERAL unless stated otherwise, because that is the one trick Satan uses for DECEPTION and OFFENSE. When one doesn’t take at first glance scripture literally like you would do anything else you may read, THEY become the AUTHORITY of what God’s word says and not God. That is what ALL religions and cults do, and is what Lucifer did in the Garden of Eden with Adam and Eve. He basically said, “Oh it ain’t a big deal, God didn’t mean what He said to you, think of it this way, at a different angle”…I KNOW BETTER? Wow, pretty bold stuff there.
If only the church would stop preaching/teaching “Topical, Relational, Feel Good” sermons (they should not be the norm) and start dissecting the word of God like Paul commanded us to do….2 Tim 2: 15 Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. Paul also goes on to talk about those desiring MILK and not MEAT. 1 Cor and 1 Peter. We have many babies in the church today, and then we wonder why there is such immaturity and why many sheep are wounded and hurting…knowledge is the first step of WISDOM. Actually the true meaning of WISDOM is it comes from God and it is the RIGHT USE OF KNOWLEDGE.
So to say, “it doesn’t matter what we believe as long as it is Jesus and Love, can’t we all get along?” only partially true (remember Satan mixes truth with lies) for if he can get us to be OFFENDED, that is what causes dissension…we are called to be of “One Accord”…to be “Of The Body”…to be “Of Like Mind”…to be “One With The Spirit”…we can’t do this if we believe the LIES!
We also must not be naive enough to think God has not allowed Satan to PLANT his “Wolves In Sheep’s Clothing” or the “Tares Among The Wheat”…He has, and their desire is to REPRODUCE just as much as God’s real sheep desire to do so. But, in a bad way though, and many don’t even realize the tool they are being at that moment. Satan’s other reason is to just plain DESTROY the good sheep. But the one who is SOUND in truth is the one who will prevail.