These are where he rebukes them not one of these verses indicate that he rebukes them for not presenting eating.
34 Then said they unto him, Lord, evermore give us this bread.
35 And Jesus said unto them, I am the bread of life: he that cometh to me shall never hunger; and he that believeth on me shall never thirst.
36 But I said unto you, That ye also have seen me, and believe not.
You have divorced/separated verse 36 from from verses 34-35 and that is the only reason you can deny Christ could have already been EATEN by them as the Bread of Life. By isolating verse 36 from verses 34-35 that is the only way you can deny he is rebuking them for having not already EATEN of him as "the bread of life".
1. They are asking to eat this bread in PRESENT TENSE - v. 34 - ("GIVE us this bread")
2. He is claiming to be that bread in PRESENT TENSE - v. 35 ("I AM the bread OF LIFE")
3. He is claiming is claiming the they can satisfy their hunger by coming and beleving in him in PRESENT TENSE - v. 35 ("he that COMETH to me shall NEVER HUNGER....BELEIVETH on me shall NEVER THIRST").
4. He is rebuking them for not having already partook of him as the bread of life by COMING and BELIEVING on him in PAST TENSE - v. 36 - "you HAVE seen and BELIEVE NOT"
This CONTEXTUL BASED rebuke is impossible according to your interpretation of him as "THE BREAD OF LIFE" as your intepretation denies they can PARTAKE OF HIM as "THE BREAD OF LIFE" by PRESENTLY coming and believing in him. Your interpretation requires the institution of the Lord's Supper and the cross to occur first in order to partake of Him as "THE BREAD OF LIFE."
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