The Real Presence is absolutely found in scripture. In several places.
You either misunderstood my challenge or are intentionally perverting my words. I will give you the benefit of the doubt and regard you misunderstanding it.
I asked where else in Scripture apart from scriptures used by Rome to interpret the Lord's Supper can the principle of Transubstantiation be found, where anything changed in substance is without change in its appearance, smell, or taste???
I am saying the mechanics of your doctrine is derived from paganism not scripture as the Spirit teaches by comparing spiritual things with spiritual things but your doctrine is derived from a combination of scripture dependent upon pagan philosophy to explain its mehanics.
Biblicists simply tells us "it isn't literal".
On the contrary, I am going along with Rome's interpretation of "this is my body" and demanding it is literal and is real. Thus this interpretation demands TWO real and TWO literal bodies of Christ at the point of eating the bread in Matthew 26 when the Bible limits Christ's real literal physical flesh and blood body to but "ONE" rather than TWO. You have the literal flesh and blood body of Christ SEATED at the table and yet phyiscally literally present in their mouth at the same time by transubstation!
This does not change what the text does say. And if we fast foward to John 6:66,
Matt made me give up referring to John 6:66 but rather to "move on" and I said in response that I did not believe those who took his side would honor that committment not to return to John 6 and you prove my point.
1. The analogous use of food terms has biblical precedent (Isa. 55:1-5)
2. The analogous use of food term in introduced by Christ in John 6:35, 47-48.
3. The physical sense of his food terms is repudiated by Christ in John 6:60
4. The physical sense of his food terms is repudiated by Peter in John 6:68-69
Hence, the context of John 6 completely repudiates that Jesus intended his use of food terms in John 6:51-58 to be understood in the PHYSICAL sense but rather in the SPIRITUAL sinse (Jn. 6:60).
Therefore, Rome's interpretation of John 6:52-58 is not the only interpretation possible but really is the very interpretation that Jesus is repudiating because Rome interprets the FOOD TERMS in John 6:52-58 in the PHYSICAL sense whereas Christ asserts his use is in the "SPIRIT" sense (Jn. 6:60) and it is this spiritual or analogous sense that Peter applies in John 6:68-69.
Further, Paul tells us that in the bread, we must see Christ's body:
1 Cor. 11:27-29 Whoever, therefore, eats the bread or drinks the cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner will be guilty of profaning the body and blood of the Lord. Let a man examine himself, and so eat of the bread and drink of the cup. For any one who eats and drinks without discerning the body eats and drinks judgment upon himself.' Pretty strong words for something that is 'just a symbol'!
See bread with your eyes. Discern the body. The bread is his body, seen only with the eyes of faith.
This is precisely what Rome is without - spiritual discernment. Paul tells the "rock" that Moses hit in the wilderness was Christ - metaphorically, symbolically, representatively (1 Cor. 10:1-4) but for hitting it instead of speaking to it, he was barred from entering the promised land! Pretty severe for just a symbol?????????
Here is what Rome does not "discern" in the very same manner as Moses perverted the symbol of the rock Rome perverts the symbol of the Supper. Both are pictures of Christ and his gospel. The significance of a symbol is the visible form, as the visible form is designed by God to visibly convey the spiritual truth it symbolizes. Pervert the visible form and you pervert the truth God designed for it to visually symbolize.
The rock can only be hit ONCE for all as Christ was "smitten" by God ONCE for all not twice, not thrice. Smiting it repudiated the truth of the gospel and denied his death ONCE was sufficient. Hence, he was not allowed to enter another SYMBOL of heaven - the promised land.
Likewise, Rome making the bread and wine the LITERAL flesh and blood of Christ not only demands TWO Christ's in Matthew 26 (one seated, the other being eaten) but replaces what is a symbolic preachment of the gospel to be "another gospel" in and of itself conveying eternal life equally as faith in Christ conveys "eternal life" (Jn. 3:16,36; 5:24;6:47-48).
Therefore, those who really believe and trust in this perverted gospel will not enter the literal and real promised land any more than Moses was allowed to enter its type.