A couple of things
@Cathode. We used Francis Chan's "Crazy Love" years ago in a men's Saturday morning study in a Reformed Baptist church. He's an interesting guy. He's always on a quest, always changing, and I mean in a sincere way. And he's so charismatic that he could buy a Toyota Corolla and explain his new purchase in such a way that you would soon find yourself weeping over the fact that you have a different car.
But I wouldn't be surprised if next week he isn't an Anglican or a Methodist. I actually agree with a lot of his video above but I would point out that in his longer, more fuller version he comes short of claiming transubstantiation. He is certainly at least where the Lutherans are. But I do question his charge that somehow centering preaching over sacramental style worship is wrong or not original. Preaching "Christ and him crucified" and working this gospel into every preaching service is what 1000's of Baptist churches do every week and it is a huge overstatement to think that because they don't center everything around a ceremony means they have gotten it all wrong. I think that someday those preachers that put a pulpit up in front of the people so the people would understand
why it's so important to "do this in remembrance of me" will not be judged harshly compared to those who encased the elements in an ornamental container and paraded it around in front of everyone.
I’d never heard of Pastor Chan, sounds like he’s on journey.
For us the preaching is not central and not worship, the Eucharist is central because it’s Jesus Himself and He is Worshipped.
He is right that for the first 1500 years the Eucharist was understood unanimously to be literally The Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ.
It was Zwingli that first asserted the tradition of men that the Mass was not sacrificial and the Eucharist merely symbolic.
He said he was not an innovator but that he was only following the Scriptures, but this is what every innovator says he does. Every arrogant innovator cites scriptures to support his beliefs.
Zwingli had founded a new doctrine and human tradition that had never been known or believed in all Christian history and was not Apostolic.
Luther’s arrogant innovation of “ Scripture alone “ was the enabler of every other arrogant innovator after him, and Luther soon found himself in conflict with innovators like Zwingli all lawyering their doctrines from scripture.
Zwingli had scriptural innovators and dissenters form against him on believers baptism and he was behind the expulsion of those that refused to baptise infants, and later the death penalty for those that practiced adult baptism.
The Conrad Grebel and George Blaurock innovating from scripture further novel doctrines.
Felix Manz one of the dissenters was executed for rebaptising adults breaking his solemn oath not do re baptisms.
All these human founded traditions cited scripture to justify their heresies and departure from Apostolic teachings.
These are all new human traditions in origin, not the ancient inspired Apostolic Tradition.
Protestantism is a cascade of innovation and dissent that has no memory of ancient truths which it sees as alien and strange when it encounters it.