Here's Augustine, quoted by Aquinas in "Summa Theologica":
"Under the species which we behold, of bread and wine, we honor invisible things, i.e. flesh and blood".
Then Aquinas goes on: "I answer that, It is evident to sense that all the accidents of the bread and wine remain after the consecration. And this is reasonably done by Divine providence. First of all, because it is not customary, but horrible, for men to eat human flesh, and to drink blood. And therefore Christ's flesh and blood are set before us to be partaken of under the species of those things which are commonly used by men, namely, bred and wine."
I think from the writing above of Augustine and Aquinas, both before Zwingli, and both arguably Catholic, that they did not believe that the body and blood of Christ was any more than spiritually present in the bread and wine. They believed in a spiritual reality, by the faith of the participant. That did not prevent them in their writings, as it did not prevent Luther from insisting that Jesus meant what he said when he said "This is my body".
You misunderstand Aquinas. What Aquinas is saying is that because of human sensibilities regarding the eating of the flesh and blood, God maintains all the appearance of bread and wine even taste, but the substance is literally the Flesh and Blood of Christ Jesus. There is no excuse for a man to refuse the table of the Lord. He has taken even our sensibilities into consideration.
“Having learn these things, and been fully assured that the seeming bread is not bread, though sensible to taste, but the Body of Christ; and that the seeming wine is not wine, though the taste will have it so, but the Blood of Christ; and that of this David sung of old, saying, And bread strengtheneth man’s heart, to make his face to shine with oil, ‘strengthen thou thine heart,’ by partaking thereof as spiritual, and “make the face of thy soul to shine.”” Cyril of Jerusalem, Catechetical Lectures, XXII:8 (c. A.D. 350).
Aquinas was explaining why the Eucharist remains like bread and wine in appearance and to the senses, but in substance is literally the Body and Blood of Christ. He called this Transubstantiation. He was giving a word to describe what was always believed.
Jesus our Lord, King Saviour and Saviour Brother is giving us His own Self, His own Life, so that we will be recognised by The Father.
The Father only recognises The Son and those that are in The Son.
“ He who eats my Flesh and drinks my Blood abides in Me and I in him”
“ So He who eats me, will live because of me “
“ I am the Resurrection and the Life “
We receive a direct infusion of Jesus and Life in the Eucharist. His Life.
Jesus didn’t just give us His wrist watch for us to be recognised by The Father, He gave us the full infusion of His own Life in His flesh and blood The Eucharist. The Father recognises us from a long way off because we abide in The Son and The Son in us because ate His Flesh and His Blood in a pure Faith, we believed, we believed the words of The Son.
“ This is my beloved Son, Listen to Him “
“ Unless you eat the flesh of the flesh of the son of man and drink His blood, you have no life in you. “
And that's fine for Lutherans. I'm not so sure the Baptists aren't completely correct in their interpretation. Why doesn't anyone ever camp on "do this in remembrance of me". Not do this to worship me or carry this representation of me around as an object of worship in a small, ornamental box.
Do you know what, “ do this in remembrance of me “ means in context of the time?
When Israelites did in remembrance at Passover, they were making that One Passover and One Sacrifice Present to all Jews of all time.
“ Why is this night different from all other nights?”
There is only One Passover, and all Israel past and present is gathered there.
There is only One Last Supper and all Catholics past and present are gathered there.
Jesus our paschal Lamb, is the sacrifice and the feast.
“After the type had been fulfilled by the passover celebration and He had eaten the flesh of the lamb with His Apostles, He takes bread which strengthens the heart of man, and goes on to
the true Sacrament of the passover,
so that just as Melchisedech, the priest of the Most High God, in prefiguring Him, made bread and wine an offering, He too makes Himself manifest in the reality of His own Body and Blood. “
(Commentaries on Matthew 4:26:26) Jerome 390 ad.
"What you see is the bread and the chalice; that is what your own eyes report to you. But what your faith obliges you to accept is that THE BREAD IS THE BODY OF CHRIST AND THE CHALICE [WINE] THE BLOOD OF CHRIST." (Sermons 272) Augustine
"The Lord Jesus wanted those whose eyes were held lest they should recognize him, to recognize Him in the breaking of the bread [Luke 24:16,30-35]. The faithful know what I am saying. They know Christ in the breaking of the bread. For not all bread, but only that which receives the blessing of Christ, BECOMES CHRIST'S BODY." (Sermons 234:2) Augustine 390 ad