“Rome will lose the Faith and become the Seat of the Antichrist…The church will be in eclipse”
(Our Lady of LaSalette, 1846, in LaSalette, France)
I’m sure this got your attention! Hopefully this will lead to more confidence in the prophecies of Blessed Mother. Notice that this was a prophecy received in 1846 about some “future” time. My own fellow Catholics on this forum need to be patient. Near the end of the fifth age, the church is going to become a remnant church. This is the nature of the End Times. The big question is whether it is happening now or not. The timing is conditional. Everyone must keep in mind that the Catholic Church (as a whole), just like Israel in the OT, pleases God at times and, at other times, does not please God so much. When the church does not please God so much, you cannot leave it. The church is the bride of Christ and always loyal and the gates of hell will not prevail against it. However, in the end times, it will become filled with modernists, especially the upper clergy who must be purged. So, there is nowhere else to go just like with Israel. Israel was a “Type” of the Catholic Church. Still the only way to get to heaven is through the church Jesus Christ established, the Catholic Church.
I Believe we are in the End Times
Before I make this presentation, I want to explain why I’m doing it. I believe we are possibly in those end times right now so time is of the essence. I’m not sure exactly where we are in the timeline and the timing can change. Because of this we shouldn’t give dates, but if I did, this would be the one exception: 2029. Most would probably disagree with this date. I will explain this date under the section titled “The Consecration”. The time is NOW!
The Big Picture
I cannot possibly cover this subject in a couple of posts but what I thought I would do is give you the “Big Picture” of Catholic Prophecy. The big picture consists of two things:
(1) Marian Apparitions - to introduce to you the most important Marian Apparitions and private prophecy
(2) Catholic Eschatological Plan - to show you a Catholic End Times Plan
In this thread I’m going to introduce you to some Marian Apparitions. To understand Catholic Prophecy, you need to understand both the place of Marian Apparitions and the Eschatological plan above. I’m doing it in this order because it’s my opinion that it is a little easier to see in private prophecy that we are in the end times than in scripture. I think this is why Catholics look at these apparitions and private prophecy more often than scripture. All the major private prophecies point to NOW. Keep in mind that there are way, way more details in Catholic prophecy than I’m giving here, however, if you study what I suggest here in these posts, you’ll understand the essence of what Catholics think about prophecy.
Catholics are not required to believe in these Apparitions
One final thing. Catholics do not have to believe in any of these Marian apparitions. They are private prophecy. They are not biblical yet true private prophecy does not contradict biblical prophecy or Catholic Doctrine. Believing in Marian Apparitions are not in any catechism. Criticizing me or the church on private prophecy really doesn’t matter and, when you criticize, it doesn’t matter whether you are Catholic or Protestant. It is different from other things. I’ll try to explain my interpretations but ultimately it really doesn’t matter. The reason is that there is a lot of room for interpretation of private prophecy, even when the private prophecies are approved. There is also room for interpretation on biblical prophecy, however, all prophecy must always work inside the parameters of Catholic Doctrine. This does not mean Catholic Doctrine is superior to the Bible but, rather, it means the two do not contradict one another. I will argue against any interpretations that contradict Catholic Doctrine. Obviously, I believe in the apparitions but, remember, I’m only the messenger so, again, criticizing me doesn’t really matter.
Best Book
The best all around first book to read on Marian Apparitions in my opinion: The Thunder of Justice by Ted and Maureen Flynn and Foreward by Fr Malachi Martin (Pub 1993). I say it’s the best only because it is easy to read and gives you a well-rounded overview. It was the first book I read on prophecy. It is on the internet at archive.org.
Especially Catholics might want to read this book:
The Present Crisis in the Catholic Church by Cardinal Manning, 1861. I recommend this book to all those Catholics who have a hard time accepting the fact that Rome will apostatize in the End Times. There should be no gloating by Protestants on this. I’ve already explained why in other threads. You’ll see more as I go along.
(Our Lady of LaSalette, 1846, in LaSalette, France)
I’m sure this got your attention! Hopefully this will lead to more confidence in the prophecies of Blessed Mother. Notice that this was a prophecy received in 1846 about some “future” time. My own fellow Catholics on this forum need to be patient. Near the end of the fifth age, the church is going to become a remnant church. This is the nature of the End Times. The big question is whether it is happening now or not. The timing is conditional. Everyone must keep in mind that the Catholic Church (as a whole), just like Israel in the OT, pleases God at times and, at other times, does not please God so much. When the church does not please God so much, you cannot leave it. The church is the bride of Christ and always loyal and the gates of hell will not prevail against it. However, in the end times, it will become filled with modernists, especially the upper clergy who must be purged. So, there is nowhere else to go just like with Israel. Israel was a “Type” of the Catholic Church. Still the only way to get to heaven is through the church Jesus Christ established, the Catholic Church.
I Believe we are in the End Times
Before I make this presentation, I want to explain why I’m doing it. I believe we are possibly in those end times right now so time is of the essence. I’m not sure exactly where we are in the timeline and the timing can change. Because of this we shouldn’t give dates, but if I did, this would be the one exception: 2029. Most would probably disagree with this date. I will explain this date under the section titled “The Consecration”. The time is NOW!
The Big Picture
I cannot possibly cover this subject in a couple of posts but what I thought I would do is give you the “Big Picture” of Catholic Prophecy. The big picture consists of two things:
(1) Marian Apparitions - to introduce to you the most important Marian Apparitions and private prophecy
(2) Catholic Eschatological Plan - to show you a Catholic End Times Plan
In this thread I’m going to introduce you to some Marian Apparitions. To understand Catholic Prophecy, you need to understand both the place of Marian Apparitions and the Eschatological plan above. I’m doing it in this order because it’s my opinion that it is a little easier to see in private prophecy that we are in the end times than in scripture. I think this is why Catholics look at these apparitions and private prophecy more often than scripture. All the major private prophecies point to NOW. Keep in mind that there are way, way more details in Catholic prophecy than I’m giving here, however, if you study what I suggest here in these posts, you’ll understand the essence of what Catholics think about prophecy.
Catholics are not required to believe in these Apparitions
One final thing. Catholics do not have to believe in any of these Marian apparitions. They are private prophecy. They are not biblical yet true private prophecy does not contradict biblical prophecy or Catholic Doctrine. Believing in Marian Apparitions are not in any catechism. Criticizing me or the church on private prophecy really doesn’t matter and, when you criticize, it doesn’t matter whether you are Catholic or Protestant. It is different from other things. I’ll try to explain my interpretations but ultimately it really doesn’t matter. The reason is that there is a lot of room for interpretation of private prophecy, even when the private prophecies are approved. There is also room for interpretation on biblical prophecy, however, all prophecy must always work inside the parameters of Catholic Doctrine. This does not mean Catholic Doctrine is superior to the Bible but, rather, it means the two do not contradict one another. I will argue against any interpretations that contradict Catholic Doctrine. Obviously, I believe in the apparitions but, remember, I’m only the messenger so, again, criticizing me doesn’t really matter.
Best Book
The best all around first book to read on Marian Apparitions in my opinion: The Thunder of Justice by Ted and Maureen Flynn and Foreward by Fr Malachi Martin (Pub 1993). I say it’s the best only because it is easy to read and gives you a well-rounded overview. It was the first book I read on prophecy. It is on the internet at archive.org.
Especially Catholics might want to read this book:
The Present Crisis in the Catholic Church by Cardinal Manning, 1861. I recommend this book to all those Catholics who have a hard time accepting the fact that Rome will apostatize in the End Times. There should be no gloating by Protestants on this. I’ve already explained why in other threads. You’ll see more as I go along.