Jesus is still speaking. He stands at the door knockling.
Yes, and if you hear it, you know what to do next right?

Don't get all spiritual on a topic change, geez.
You will never find Jesus baptizing with water in the bible.
I never said that. I said Jesus ASKED to be baptized in WATER. John the Baptist? Do you deny that? Why are you shifting the topic like that? Do you guys always debate this way? This is craziness man.
Also, you will never find most Christian witnesses baptizing with water. When they witness, Jesus saves with the Holy Spirit. Thats the baptising in the Great Commision - which does not fyi say water baptising, but just baptising.
Hey - you look at people all you want. I have seen thousands baptized in church in my lifetime. No they didn't all get baptized the day they asksed called on Jesus - SO WHAT? Thats our Baptist way bro. We choose to do it that way because we consider sybolic only.
But when I read the bible, not look at your witnesses - I want to believe there is something important going on there. Jesus asked to be baptized in water. He gave the Great Commission - then in Acts2 the first official sermon I know of, what are they doing after hearing the message of the Gospel? Yep - gettin' baptized as Acts 2:38 says in plain easy to read English. What does Phillip do to the Eunech on the road after preaching the Gospel? Went and did a little Baptizing right there. And Paul, after having his experience with Jesus? Same thing - more examples in the bible. I don't care what most winesses do today - I think it's more than 'NOTHING'.
If you wish to be contentious, then you tell the billion or more people who have been saved by witnesses following the great commision that they should have water baptised them
They should have been for sure. As Jesus comanded, and as the early christians did it.
- because baptism by Jesus Christ himself wasn't enough!
do you always add stuff to what other say? Why?
I didn't write the Bible, or die for your sins, or give the Great Commission - not my fault. Just doing what I am told.
Do you really honestly believe Jesus didn't want his Apostles to baptize people in water from his statement in the Great Commission? This is a real question. I mean get real here. Not for your argument - not as a possibility - do you really believe that he meant for baptism to not be with water at all? (Yeah Yeah Yeah, we all know the Holy Spirit baptizes your spirit - i get that. We get that)