He switched EYE FOR AN EYE . He switched murder to just looking at one with hatred. He switched adultery with just looking at someone with lust.
This is common sense, You state he is being symbolic. Well then tell us of what, what is the symbolism, And it doesn't hold up for something where 100% of your DISCIPLES have a problem with it and 96% choose to leave.
I bet even in your own congregation the symbolism has never been a 96% deal breaker, There is nothing disagreeable from sugar coating what Jesus Christ actually said.
Is it a deal breaker in the Catholic church? INDEED look where you are! It is troublesome. Even the ridicule is plenty of times word for word "HOW COULD JESUS ACTUALLY GIVE US HIS FLESH AND BLOOD?"
52Then the Jews
began to argue with one another, saying, “How can this man give us
His flesh to eat?”